“India’s potential participation in COVAX’s pre-market commitment is underway.”
The Gates Foundation has pledged more than $ 650 million to work on COVID-19.
With 11 COVID-19 vaccines participating in Phase 3 trials and limited use of 6 vaccines already approved, the next challenge is to support production and make the vaccines accessible to everyone and affordable. It is to make it available at a reasonable price. The Gates Foundation has pledged more than $ 650 million to work on COVID-19. The Foundation has signed an agreement with the Serum Institute to promote vaccine production. Under the agreement, the Foundation will provide $ 300 million in risky funding to produce up to 200 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine for India and low- and middle-income countries. Funding is provided through GAVI.
Trevor Mandel, The President of the Global Health Division of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, who has led the Foundation’s efforts to support the development of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines for the global response to COVID-19, is how the Gates Foundation is Hindu. As explained by email to ensure fair distribution of vaccines in developed and developing countries.
Did India agree to purchase vaccine doses through the COVAX facility? Will India receive millions of vaccines via COVAX?
India is one of 92 countries with access to the COVID-19 vaccine through GAVI’s COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC). This is a donor assistance mechanism that helps cover some of the costs of vaccines to ensure all countries, not just wealthy ones. — You can access them. Discussions are underway on the conditions for India’s potential participation in the AMC.
What steps has the Gates Foundation taken to ensure the equitable distribution of vaccines to developing countries, including those who are not interested in purchasing vaccines through COVAX facilities?
We know that COVID-19 can continue to spread everywhere, wherever it is, so the Foundation has multiple aspects to ensure fair access to the COVID-19 vaccine. It is working. Earlier this year, we invested $ 100 million in GAVI’s COVID-19 vaccine AMC to finance the COVID-19 vaccine for low-income countries. In collaboration with GAVI and the Indian Serum Institute, we are funding the future production of 200 million doses of vaccine for low and middle income countries. It also funded research and development of low-cost, easy-to-distribute vaccines in low- and middle-income countries, such as countries that require only one dose and countries that do not require extreme refrigeration or freezing. I am.
We have also worked with 16 life sciences companies that have agreed to help accelerate the rapid supply of COVID-19 innovation to ensure that approved vaccines are affordable and widely distributed worldwide as soon as possible. ..
Much of this work supports Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A), the world’s largest collaborative effort to develop and equitably deliver new COVID-19 innovations, including vaccines. We know that global cooperation is needed to end this pandemic, so we encourage all countries to participate in this effort.
Do countries have to wait to get the vaccine through COVAX, even after prepaid?
No one yet knows which vaccine is safe and effective. Therefore, it is important to expand manufacturing capacity as much as possible so as not to waste time once clinical trials are completed and regulatory approval is obtained.
The Gates Foundation envisions fair distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine, and our efforts are focused on increasing the likelihood that low- and middle-income countries will have access to doses at the same time as wealthy countries. The COVAX — an initiative led by GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, WHO, and the Coalition for Epidemic Infectious Diseases Innovation (CEPI) —is one of the best ways to achieve this.
Is the predefined number of vaccines a country obtains related to the amount of funding it makes?
No. In the case of facilities, participating countries receive a population-proportional distribution rather than a financial contribution.
Even after financial commitment, countries are guaranteed vaccine supply if developed countries partner directly with manufacturers to secure supply, as seen when the United States has acquired the majority of remdesivir. Is it?
The purpose of the COVAX facility is to avoid this type of situation, and the fact that so many countries have signed it makes doses available and affordable in low-income countries. Shows that they recognize the value of working together to protect their own population. The only way to end this pandemic is to distribute diagnostics, treatments and vaccines worldwide based on specific public health standards. Without global distribution, securing a limited supply of vaccines to just a few countries would only undermine efforts to stop the circulation of the virus, increasing health and economic sacrifice.
How safe is it because the development of the COVID-19 vaccine is accelerating? What steps did the Foundation take to address safety concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine?
Today’s pandemics create the urgency to work as quickly as possible to develop safe and effective treatments, but speed and science do not conflict, especially when it comes to ensuring safety. It is important that the Foundation works with the global community working on the development of new tools to prevent and eradicate COVID-19, and that the decision to approve the COVID-19 vaccine is based on the results of rigorous clinical studies. I emphasized that. The Foundation is committed to ensuring the safety of individuals who receive our funded products. All research we fund follows regulatory protocols and ethical standards for safety. In addition, all 16 life sciences companies are committed to adhering to strict scientific and ethical standards in product development and manufacturing.
In the United States, Gallup’s research found that confidence in vaccines has declined, even among those who are addicted to vaccines. What is the Foundation doing to deal with this?
We are concerned about how awareness of vaccines can interfere with public health efforts. Strong scientific evidence confirms the safety of the vaccine, and existing vaccines have a proven track record of disease prevention. Experts believe that vaccines are important in ending this pandemic, and that it is important for governments and communities to work together to build credibility. We know that people around the world are trying to figure out what is best during this uncertain time, and making health decisions is becoming more and more confusing. The best we can do to combat false information about vaccines is to disseminate the facts and work with local leaders and trusted community members to increase confidence in vaccines and improve vaccine intake. That is.
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