Sweden reports a decrease in seasonal flu following COVID-19 restrictions-News-MetroWest Daily News, Framingham, Massachusetts
Stockholm-Sweden’s seasonal flu is record low, suggesting that Swedes adhere to social distance guidelines. Sweden is also currently one of the lowest prevalence countries in Europe due to the proliferation of COVID-19 infections in the United States and around the world.
Massachusetts, like other devastated states, is seeing signs of a second wave. Daily cases soared to levels comparable to this spring. This is a trend seen in many countries, but surprisingly low in Sweden and did not force a blockade.
Sweden received media attention this spring, the only country that did not impose a blockade. Compared to neighboring countries in Scandinavia, there were more fatal infections that killed 5,918 people compared to 709 in Denmark, 354 in Finland and 250 in Norway.
However, after the initial surge in infection, the numbers declined. Seasonal influenza infections fell record-breaking at the beginning of March when the government issued recommendations on social distance and hygiene.
The 2019-20 Annual Influenza Report, compiled in June, saw a sharp decline in the number of cases in Sweden and a lower median age. There were 66% fewer cases of influenza reported, and the number of deaths was almost half that of the previous year.
And so far, the number of cases remains small. The last reported case of seasonal influenza was June.
According to Ian Barr, deputy director of the World Health Organization, the flu season can raise new concerns about superinfection and increase the likelihood that one virus will be transmitted by another. is. The virus is worse than just one at a time.
Although many countries have implemented blockades by law, Sweden still calls the restrictions “recommendations.”
Public health officials also said the post-pandemic recommendations for the coronavirus helped reduce the outbreak of influenza.
Annasara Carnahan, an epidemiologist at the Public Health Agency of Sweden, said seasonal flu had just peaked when Sweden issued a recommendation for COVID-19 in March.
“What we were able to see was a dramatic reduction in the number of cases and a reduction in the seasoned influenza epidemic. We found that the epidemic progressed very quickly from peak to end. “She said.
First push of vaccination
In response to concerns about increasing pressure on the health system, PHA now recommends that workers in direct contact with vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, be vaccinated against seasonal influenza.
Prior to this year, the vaccine was available to healthcare professionals, but was never recommended nationwide, Carnahan said.
“At COVID-19, we’ve seen how important it is to protect patients and those being treated by protecting healthcare professionals,” she said.
However, one of the potential problems with voluntary vaccination is that people are less likely to seek medical care in a pandemic, said Professor Jan Albert of the Karolinska Institute, Sweden’s largest medical center. I will.
But he added that even people outside the risk group should consider getting vaccinated.
“If you’re vaccinated, you’re very unlikely to get infected, so you don’t have to worry if you’re infected with COVID-19 when you have the flu,” he said.
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