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This AI can tell if you have Covid-19 based on cough

This AI can tell if you have Covid-19 based on cough


Illustration of an article titled This AI can tell you if you have a Covid-19 just by listening to a cough

Photo: Mario Tama (((Getty Images)

Every time I cough recently, I have a mini-panic attack and I feel like I’m trying to crush it quickly with a stable stream of chamomile tea. Thankfully, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have come up with a way to measure whether a person has covid-19. The sound of their cough, So I may be able to rest my hypochondriasis soon.

This tool uses a neural network that can detect subtle changes in cough that indicate whether or not you are infected, without any other symptoms. Asymptomatic people infected with covid-19 are vectors of the virus and are particularly difficult to manage. One of the reasons is that you are unlikely to take the test. Therefore, carriers can infect others without their knowledge.

But even asymptomatic carriers have some indication that they are infected, MIT researchers have found. It’s all in a cough.

The difference between a healthy person’s cough and a virus-infected person’s cough is so small that it is imperceptible to the human ear. So the team developed an AI to detect these subtle differences using tens of thousands of recorded samples of cough and spoken language. And early tests were tremendously accurate, recognizing 98.5% of coughs from people with confirmed cases of covid-19 and 100% of coughs from asymptomatic people.

The mechanism is as follows. One neural network measures sounds related to vocal cord strength, and another neural network detects clues related to a person’s emotional state, such as frustration. This can cause “apathy”. The third network listens for subtle changes in lung and respiratory performance. The team then combined all three models and overlaid them with algorithms to detect muscle deterioration.

Doctors have known for years that a patient’s cough can reveal important clues about their health.Even before the pandemic era (God, do you remember them?), The research group trained AI to detect other illnesses such as: pneumonia And asthma From the sound only.

However, research is not without its limits. MIT scientists have warned that even with the levels of accuracy achieved so far, this AI should not be used in place of being tested for covid-19. They also said that they were not built to diagnose people who are actively presenting with covid-19 symptoms.

However, this technology can play an important role as a virus screening tool. The team is reported to be developing a free “user-friendly” app that can be used as a useful pre-screening tool for individuals who are asymptomatic but worried about possible infection.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University COVID voice detector As the name implies, it will be able to determine if someone has a covid-19 just by the sound of their voice. Soon, you can determine if your relationship is safe by simply coughing or talking to the phone. Or maybe not:

“If the pre-screening tools are always on in the background and constantly improving, the pandemic can be a thing of the past,” the researchers write. Minority report The scenario I have no doubt about would be a privacy nightmare.

Yeah, that would be a “no” from me.I may be okay to cough on the phone, but I already have enough covid-related anxiety without the health police flocking me like a guy in a yellow suit Monsters Inc.. Whenever you cough.


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