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The NHS Covid-19 app fails to instruct thousands of people to self-isolate

The NHS Covid-19 app fails to instruct thousands of people to self-isolate


The “swept the world” NHS Covid-19 app has emerged without being able to systematically tell people to self-isolate for over a month.

Despite contact with the infected, an unknown number of 19 million users were not ordered to quarantine.

Software bangles are the latest hurdle for hitting apps, warned by SAGE, and have only a “small impact on transmission”.

Authorities don’t know how many people were affected, but The Sunday Times reported that it would be in the thousands.

The bangle included a “risk threshold” for the app, which was released four months later than planned in September.

Despite contact with the infected, the unknown number was not ordered to quarantine
(Image: PA)

When the app detects that a Covid patient has come into contact with another person, it uses risk thresholds to determine the degree of infection at that time. This is highest, for example, on the day someone develops symptoms.

The score is then entered into the algorithm to determine if a friend or family member needs to be quarantined.

However, authorities have acknowledged that the overall risk threshold is set five times higher than intended when the app was launched.

The threshold was supposed to be lowered from 900 to 180, but this did not happen. Instead, it was changed only by last week’s update.

That is, many people who were supposed to be quarantined under the new threshold were not told to quarantine at that time.

This includes people who have come into contact with Covid-19 patients but have been sent “ghost” notices that they are not worried about being isolated.

Government sources have told The Sunday Times that a “surprisingly small number” of users have been given full-scale orders to quarantine themselves.

App directors Randeep Sidhu and Gaby Appleton have identified this issue in a blog post on the government website.

They write: “The’risk threshold’was planned to be lowered, but this change was not made at that time.

“The updated version of the app addresses this by lowering the threshold at which users are considered at risk of catching viruses and warning them to self-quarantine.

“The threshold was planned to move from 900 to 180, but is now down to 120 due to a new statistical algorithm that takes advantage of improved distance estimation.

“Updated risk thresholds are expected to increase the number of people who are required to be self-quarantined by the app in close contact with those who test positive.

“We believe we need to lower the threshold to lower the R rate and break the chain of infections.”

Government officials said it was impossible to retroactively calculate how many people would have been told to quarantine.

They said there was no right or wrong setting of the risk threshold-instead, it was a “call for judgment” made by humans.

A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health said: “The NHS Covid-19 app is the only app in the world that uses the latest apps. Google It’s Apple’s technology that more accurately measures distance to identify the most endangered, and is considered “excellent” by international standards.

“As previously published, many app users at high risk of being infected with the virus are expected to receive notifications of self-quarantine, which means that users infected with the virus infect other users with the virus. It will be in the long-term benefit of everyone by reducing the chances of getting it. “


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