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According to the CDC, people infected or exposed to Covid-19 can vote directly.

According to the CDC, people infected or exposed to Covid-19 can vote directly.
According to the CDC, people infected or exposed to Covid-19 can vote directly.


“The CDC’s recommendation to quarantine those who have Covid-19 or who have been in close contact with those who have Covid-19 recommends that they exercise their voting rights. It’s not a hindrance, “a CDC spokeswoman wrote in an email Monday.

According to a spokeswoman, “You can safely vote directly according to the CDC’s recommendations for polling stations and voters.”

Voters who are ill or quarantined need to inform polling place workers of their condition when they arrive at the polling place. They should also take steps to protect voting workers and other voters.

  • Wear a mask
  • At least 6 feet away from others
  • Wash your hands before and after voting or use a hand sanitizer

Voting workers who support voters’ symptoms should be provided with personal protective equipment such as respiratory protection, face shields, gowns and gloves and trained to use them properly.

“If possible, make alternative voting options available to Covid-19 patients, people with Covid-19 symptoms, and exposed people to minimize contact between voters and voting workers. Must be, “said a spokesman. ..

The CDC website has alternative voting options As “curveside voting for designated polling stations or sick voters”.
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“Post a sign to keep symptomatic people out of the polling place building and give symptomatic people voting options. For example, provide a large print or braille version, or send the same message. By listening, we will give voters with disabilities access to the sign. Information, “says the CDC website.

Curveside voting is available in some states. If you’re lucky enough to have that option, make sure the electorate workers are wearing gloves, face shields, and face masks before lowering the windows.

Here are 5 tips for a safer voting experience.

1. Spend most of the waiting outdoors

Standing outdoors is definitely safer than indoors, as the air flow helps disperse the virus. Find a voting location that minimizes waiting time indoors.

The safest places are large, well-ventilated sites such as school gymnasiums, community recreation centers, convention centers, and large parking lots. According to the guidelines of the Brennan Center and the Infectious Diseases Society of America..

2. Vote during less busy hours

If you can aim in the morning or early morning to noon, you may run out of lines. Before parking and entering, please do a drive-by and check the length of the line.

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Stay in touch with your local friends on nearby sites like Facebook and Nextdoor. People often post up-to-date information about the crowd at different times of the day. You can use it to plan your trip.

3. Choose the mask carefully

Be careful about your mask. Do not wear anything that can be held up and seen through.In fact, research shows that Cotton mask with 2 or 3 layers of fabric It is more protective than single-layer masks and bandanas. A Recent studies have found that bandanas and gaiters masks are the least effective. Protect

Always cover your nose and mouth with a mask.

4. Follow the rules of social distance

Standing at least 6 feet apart to protect yourself and others from viruses is rapidly becoming the norm today. It’s especially important if the people around you aren’t wearing masks.

5. Bring a disinfectant, pen and water

Along with its highly protected mask, you definitely need to bring at least 60% ethanol or over 70% disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers Isopropyl alcohol according to the CDC. This is the level needed to kill most coronaviruses.

Be sure to bring water and a folding chair as the queue may be long. Also, don’t forget to bring a blue or black pen in case you need to sign something or fill out an absentee ballot and drop it there. You must use blue or black ink to count the votes.


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