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Covid-19 level is still “stubbornly high” in Dublin

Covid-19 level is still “stubbornly high” in Dublin


In Dublin, the Covid-19 epidemic remains “stubbornly high,” despite a significant decline in other counties over the past week, warned Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tony Holohan.

There were 321 new cases in Dublin yesterday, with an average of 7 days between 200 and 300 cases per day.

He also made a going concern assumption about the number of infected people over the age of 65, saying it is very unlikely that the blockade will be eased by early December.

Relaxed advice on the risks of traveling abroad was also questioned in time for Christmas.

Dr. Holohan said yesterday that two more Covid-19-related deaths and 767 new cases were reported nationwide.

Regarding continued concerns about Dublin, he said: “This is a pattern found in other jurisdictions. Dublin is a large, densely populated city.”

Dublin was at level 3 much faster than other countries and had grounds for other counties to make up, but the virus is not slower than expected in the capital. We look forward to seeing improvements this week.

There were 103 Covid-related virus deaths in October, compared to 36 in September.

Dr. Holohan said that despite the overall improvement in the national situation, there is still a “long way to go” and the overall daily casualties of new cases are still very high.

He warned that as the numbers improved, there was fear that people would drop high levels of public health regulation compliance.

“If you want to get the case number you need in early December, you have to continue.”

Yesterday, 322 Covid-19 patients were hospitalized and 44 were in the intensive care unit.

Asked about the possibility of relaxing advice on traveling abroad in time for Christmas’s return, he said it would be considered in the coming weeks, along with other issues.

“From a relative perspective, the risk of traveling abroad as a source of infection increases,” he added, as progress is made and the risk of picking up the virus in the country is reduced.

The new cases reported yesterday included 84 in Cork, 47 in Meath, 34 in Limerick, and 24 in Roscommon. The remaining 257 were scattered across all other counties.

Meanwhile, HSE Dr. Siobhán Ní Bhriain said that testing and tracking in schools with cases of the virus would be speeded up.

She added that some schools provide a “danger signal” when samples taken from children and staff are sent to the laboratory for processing in order to reduce the time required for results.

She said HSE reviewed the role of vitamin D in people’s fight against Covid-19.

Next week, I have more advice on personal well-being during a pandemic.

About 70% of people in this country are deficient in vitamin D, and people may take vitamin D supplements.

Various studies are already underway to see if people given vitamin D supplements are at low risk of catching the virus during the winter and developing serious attacks of the disease.

Irish Independent

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