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New York Mount Sinai Hospital seeks donation to fight coronavirus


They are still looking for gowns.

Mount Sinai Hospital System, A notorious nurse wearing a hoody bag The post learned that they are raising an emergency fundraiser for donations to buy more ventilators, gowns, and masks for what they called a dangerous distribution of gowns.

The raised funds will also help hospital systems pay for medications to combat COVID-19.

Ah New link to Mount Sinai The website allows donors to choose a “gift amount” —to buy a ventilator for $ 1,000, an antibody test to attack the coronavirus $ 500, and buy ten departmental dinners Buy $ 250, $ 100 for 5 protective gowns, $ 50 for 3 boxes, gloves, $ 25 for 2 face shields and goggles, $ 20 for each nurse Uber ride, lunch for healthcare professionals $ 10 for.

“The Mount Sinai health system is at the forefront of the pandemic of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). Our clinicians are taking care of an increasing number of NYC patients, and our researchers are testing And we are looking for vaccines. We have the expertise and commitment to address this challenge, “said the funding pitch.

“Now is the time and the need is urgent. NYC is the epicenter of the virus, and Mount Sinai is the epicenter of NYC. We appreciate the partnership to overcome these difficult times together,” said Mount Sinai. Said the complaint.

Nurse at Midtown West Hospital on Mount Sinai wore a garbage bag after a front page was posted on March 26 Instead of changing gowns between patients, they were required to wear one gown throughout the shift.

They even linked with the COVID-19-related death of nursing manager Chios Kelly, who loves the lack of protective equipment. Sinai authorities have denied both claims.

Nurse last week Given more gowns Next post report. Last Friday, a nurse at Mount Sinai’s flagship hospital on the Upper East Side also held a press conference Complain Lack of personal protective equipment.

Sinai recently obtained 5 tons of medicine from China.

Mount Sinai is also one of 34 institutions nationwide participating in the national COVID-19 convalescent plasma project. What the program wants Blood plasma donation from patients with recovered coronavirus Contains antibodies that can be used to fight the virus in critically ill patients.

Mount Sinai’s medical system also includes Beth Israel Hospital in southern Manhattan, and hospitals and clinics in Brooklyn and Queens.


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