Major population of early COVID-19 vaccination in Canada
The National Advisory Board on Immunization in Canada (NACI) has stated that during the initial deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine in Canada, people at risk of severe illness and death, those at risk of transmitting the virus, and mandatory workers. We recommend vaccination of major populations such as. Preliminary guidance prepared for the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) CMAJ (((Canadian Medical Association Journal).
NACI is an independent external group of 15 experts at PHAC. Vaccine use Currently or newly approved for human use in Canada, including identification of at-risk groups Diseases that can be prevented by vaccines Those who should be vaccinated. PHAC urged NACI to advise which population should be prioritized for early administration of COVID-19. vaccine..
While Federal government We do everything we can to provide Canadians with access to safe and effective vaccines. Vaccine supply At first it is likely to be limited and you need to carefully decide how to protect the most risky people from COVID-19 and initially make the most impact with limited resources.
“Given the potential challenges of supplying enough to vaccinate all at risk. population Initially, NACI prioritizes COVID-19 vaccination of key populations based on evidence of safety and efficacy at the time of vaccination to minimize serious illness and death as a result of a pandemic. We encourage you to do so, “said Dr. Caroline, Chair of NACI. Professor of Infectious Diseases Experts and Microbiologists at Quac, CHU Santo Justin, and Chairman of the University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, and Canada Infection Prevention Research Committees.
NACI recommends prioritizing the following populations for early vaccination:
- People at high risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19 (including the elderly and other high-risk conditions);
- People at high risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19, and those who are most likely to infect workers who are essential for maintaining a response to COVID-19.
- Those that contribute to the maintenance of other essential services for the functioning of society;
- People, including indigenous communities, who are at increased risk of infection due to living or working conditions and whose infection can have disproportionate consequences.
These major populations are not mutually exclusive, can overlap, and are not listed in priority.
“Safe and effective vaccines can help control the pandemic of COVID-19 and minimize illness, death and social disruption,” said Dr. Quach.
As new information and vaccines become available, NACI will provide guidelines based on the latest evidence.
“We want to make a safe and effective vaccine available as soon as possible in 2021, but we expect supply to be limited initially,” said Teresatam, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer. The doctor says. “Once the vaccine is ready, we need to make important decisions about how to use the vaccine supply we have, to have the greatest impact possible. The Government of Canada allocates. We promise to work with states and territories on the plan. Vaccine key populations. “
Vaccine deployment should be guided by the principles of impartiality, feasibility, and acceptability to key populations.
“The existing inequality increased by this pandemic can be exacerbated by the unfair distribution of vaccines. Increased access to vaccination services and racially and systematically marginalized in planning vaccination programs. Efforts should be made to involve those who have been vaccinated, “says Dr. Quach.
Shainoor J. Ismail MD MSc et al, Leading Population of Early COVID-19 Immunization: Preliminary Guidance for Policy, CMAJ 2020. DOI: 10.1503 / cmaj.202353Early release on November 3, 2020
Provided by
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Quote: The main population of early COVID-19 immunization in Canada (November 3, 2020) is from Acquired on November 3, 2020
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