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Study: Coronavirus is 10 times more deadly than influenza and infects 20% of NYC

Study: Coronavirus is 10 times more deadly than influenza and infects 20% of NYC


According to a new study Coronavirus Is ten times more deadly than the flu and infects more people in New York than previously known.

CBS Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine report that 1.7 million New York City residents have been found infected with Covid-19. That’s about 20% of New York’s population, six times the official 269,519 cases. New York Times..

TheĀ· SurveyWe used 10,600 plasma samples taken between February and July from two groups of people, released on Tuesday: for patients receiving emergency treatment at Mount Sinai Hospital and for regular routine treatment. Patients who visited. The first case of Covid-19 in New York wasn’t confirmed until March 1, but researchers say the virus spread much faster.

“I saw the virus outbreak in January, so one idea was to monitor it for a long time,” said Dr. Florian Kramer, a professor of vaccines at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, the corresponding author. Said. Daily mail.. “The motivation was to figure out how many people really get infected.”

by NBCAfter New York flattened the curve at the end of May, the positive rate was found to be about 20%. This is higher than the official count due to lack of testing at the onset of the pandemic and no asymptomatic or mild cases detected. Numbers were stable in June and July, suggesting persistent antibody levels within the population.

According to the World Health Organization, data show that the coronavirus mortality rate is 0.97%, at least 10 times higher than the seasonal flu mortality rate of 0.1%.

According to the CDC, the common flu in the United States kills 12,000 to 56,000 people each year, while the coronavirus kills more than 232,000 Americans in eight months.

Kramer also told NBC that the infection rate was well below what was still thought.Herd immunity.. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, has repeatedly warned against the idea that the spread of the coronavirus will stop when almost everyone is infected.

“Speaking to people who have experience with epidemiology or infectious diseases, it is said to be dangerous and lead to more infections in vulnerable people, leading to hospitalization and death,” he told ABC. last month. “So I think we have to look at the square and say it’s nonsense.”

Cases continue to grow in almost every state, including New York. The NBC states that about 50,000 Empire State residents were positive in October, about twice as much as the previous month. In the last week of October, an average of 2,040 positive tests were recorded daily from about 680 in the last week of August.

“These are dangerous times,” Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Monday. “We must always be vigilant.”

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