Europe is the leading source of COVID-19 infection and shows research
The Archaeological Research Group at the University of Huddersfield plans to spread the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the cause of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, and has positioned Europe as a major cause of the spread.
Group findings recently published in a special issue of peer-reviewed journals MicroorganismsConfirm that the virus has sprung up in China and probably jumped into humans from the Greater Horseshoe Bat. However, it is Europe, not China, that is the main cause of the spread of the disease worldwide.
The study also suggests that travel restrictions across the UK and Europe seemed to be too low and too late, suggesting that the actual spread of the virus to the United States and other parts of the world was greater via Europe rather than from China. doing.
This study focused on 27,000 viral genomes sampled from around the world. Researchers typically work with mitochondrial DNA to track ancient human migration, taking advantage of the fact that viral genomes are importantly similar.
Still, the huge size of the database dates back to May, when the investigation began, which is one of the largest analyzes of this kind ever done.
Intensive data analysis was performed by clinical geneticist Dr. Teresa Rito and evolutionary geneticist Dr. Pedro Soares. Both are based at the University of Minho, Portugal and have worked closely with Professor Martin Richards and Dr. Maria Para of the University of Huddersfield as part of the Archaeogenetics Research Group.
The pair sought the knowledge and expertise of their UK colleagues to help them understand the data and publish their conclusions twice as fast.
Professor Richards explained that great efforts are being made around the world to understand the epidemic of the coronavirus, and that researchers are trying to make their research publicly available as soon as possible.
As the world continues to face rapidly spreading pathogens, Dr. Para believes that a deeper understanding of the virus will better inform and improve policies designed to control its spread.
With thousands of lives still at stake, the need for scientific research is more important than ever. “
Dr. Maria Para, Archaeogenetics Research Group, University of Huddersfield
Journal reference:
Rito, T. , et al.. (2020) Phylogeography of the 27,000 SARS-CoV-2 genome: Europe as the main source of the COVID-19 pandemic. Microorganisms.
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