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New research confirms that obesity is the cause of kidney disease

New research confirms that obesity is the cause of kidney disease
New research confirms that obesity is the cause of kidney disease



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Scientists at Oxford University have discovered that obesity can increase someone’s chances of developing kidney disease.

This new study, funded by Kidney Research UK and the Medical Research Council, found that whole-body fat increases risk as well as near-central fat (tummy fat), making weight management a new way to manage. It has been suggested that it may become Danger. This study is today Journal of the American Society of Nephrology..

Previous studies have shown that obesity is associated with an increased risk of kidney disease. However, it was not clear whether obesity directly caused kidney disease or was related to other factors, such as increased salt content in people’s diets.

In this latest study, the team studied approximately 300,000 DNA samples from UK Biobank. They searched for over 1,000 genetic variants known to make people more susceptible to a higher overall body mass index (BMI) or more abdominal fat deposits (fat near the center). People with these mutations are more likely to be overweight or obese because they inherit these genes.

Professor Will Herrington of the Population and Health Research Unit of the Medical Research Council of Oxford University explains: “This study found that these genetic mutations were consistently associated with kidney disease, 5 kg / m each.2 Increased BMI increased the risk of chronic kidney disease by about 50%. Using a genetic approach meant that it was more rigorous than the traditional approach and that other factors could be ruled out. “

The team found that the risk of kidney disease did not change based on the location of fat. The amount of fat increased by the same amount regardless of whether the fat was deposited in the center (around the organs) or throughout the body (such as around the legs and arms).

Professor Herrington goes on to say: “In some obesity-related illnesses, such as heart disease, the fat that accumulates around the abdominal organs (tummy fat) is worse than the fat that accumulates around the buttocks. Body fat is a risk of kidney disease. To increase. “

To understand why this happens, researchers tested whether genetic variation that makes certain people more susceptible to obesity is also associated with diabetes. — Both lead to kidney disease.

The team found that most cases of obesity-related kidney disease were caused by diabetes and blood pressure. Kidney disease was mostly caused by diabetes when fat was deposited around the central organs. On the other hand, when fat accumulates throughout the body, both diabetes and high blood pressure cause kidney disease.

Professor Herrington explains: “We already know a lot about diabetes and high blood pressure, and there are cures. If we can prevent diabetes in people who are overweight or obese and control their blood pressure, we can prevent the onset of many cases of diabetes in the first place. Ultimately. In addition, these results give us more incentives to manage our weight. “

He continues. “A new class of drugs called glyphrosin reduces the ability of the kidneys to retain sugar and salt, which means the body can get rid of excess sugar and salt, which allows diabetics to manage their weight. , , And recent studies have shown that it is particularly effective in treating diabetic kidney disease and other kidney diseases. We are conducting large clinical trials to see if this applies to a wider range of people with kidney problems. “

Dr. Aisling McMahon, Executive Director of Research, Innovation and Policy at Kidney Research UK, said: By identifying obesity as a new risk factor for kidney disease, this important study encourages physicians, patients, and healthcare teams to support a new focus on weight management and encourage people to consider ways to improve themselves. A new reason to encourage it has become clear. My health “

She continues. “We are interested in looking at the glyphrodin trials. If clinical trials reveal that these drugs benefit a wider patient group, the results of these studies will be quickly brought to clinical practice. And we want to be able to benefit patients across the country .. And not only to prevent kidney disease, we are also working to keep people active after they develop. .. That’s why we support Kidney Beam, an online exercise and health platform for people with kidney disease. ”

Mayo Clinic Minutes: What is Chronic Kidney Disease?

For more information:
Pengfei Zhu et al. Traditional genetic evidence of the association between obesity and CKD, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (2020). DOI: 10.1681 / ASN.2020050679

Provided by
Oxford University

Quote: New study confirms that obesity is the cause of kidney disease (4 November 2020) 4 November 2020 Obtained from -disease.html

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