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Scientists Discover Ebola Antibodies in People Before the 2018 DRC Outbreak

Scientists Discover Ebola Antibodies in People Before the 2018 DRC Outbreak



image: Residents are walking on the roads in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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Credits: Tracey Goldstein / UC Davis

Scientists have discovered antibodies to the Ebola virus in people by a year before the 2018 outbreak of Ebola began in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This suggests that early cases were overlooked or more commonly exposed than previously thought, according to a study led by the University of California, Davis.

the studyPublished in the journal today One health outlookAlso documented the initial detection of antibodies to the human Bombary Ebola virus, indicating that the spread of the virus from bats to humans is likely to have occurred. In 2018, scientists at the University of California, Davis Health Institute and Columbia University discovered the sixth Ebola virus species, Bombarivirus, in Sierra Leone bats.

“Yes, this study emphasizes that these are fatal illnesses, but they vary in severity. Not all exposed people die,” UC Davis said. Tracey Goldstein, the lead author and deputy director of the One Health Institute at the School of Veterinary, said. medicine. “Spillover does not always cause a fatal outbreak. To prevent an outbreak, you need to better understand what is happening between the viruses. How the virus works. If you are really trying to understand, you should always investigate, not just during a virus outbreak. Outbreak. “

Women at high risk

In this study, scientists collected and tested biological samples from 272 people seeking care in the Rutshuru health zone in North Kivu during the year before the outbreak, which killed nearly 2,300 people. .. Antibodies that indicate past exposure to the virus were found in 10 percent of patients.

Scientists also conducted demographic and behavioral information and surveyed patients to better understand their interactions with livestock and wildlife.

While men and women and people of all ages were tested positive for antibodies, women had a significantly increased risk of exposure. This is consistent with other studies and may be due to the large role women play in preparing food and caring for livestock and sick families.

“These findings are important to us living in eastern Congo because they show that people can be exposed to the Ebola virus without getting sick,” said Dr. Gorilla’s medical technology. Said Jean-Paul Caven Barça. Survey. “It helps to limit direct contact with wildlife and enhance the work we do to explain to people how important it is to follow hygiene and safety best practices.”


The study also shows the need to address how humans interact with wildlife and the viruses they exchange.

Co-author Kirsten Gilardi directs the Karen C. Drayer Wildlife Health Center and Gorilla Doctors program at the University of California, Davis. The program provides veterinary care to wild mountain and eastern lowland gorillas in Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As the country’s leader in the USAID PREDICT project, Gorilla Doctors sampled viruses that may circulate between wildlife and humans, both wildlife and humans.

“These findings suggest that there are more spillover events than we are aware of,” Girardi said. “This may not happen occasionally, and the virus disappears. Preventing spillover means understanding and minimizing high-risk human-wildlife interactions.”


This study was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Emerging Pandemic Threat PREDICT Project.

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