MIT is developing an app that can distinguish between a healthy cough and an asymptomatic cough
A team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has assumed that people with coronavirus, including asymptomatic cases, can be accurately detected by recording on mobile phones using artificial intelligence (AI).Survey results published in IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology.. Of the audio samples from 5,320 subjects, 2,500 recordings were from people who were virus-positive between April and May.
their MIT Open Voice The model was trained through a collection of approximately 70,000 recordings.Neural network called ResNet50 You can distinguish between different sounds, such as “mmmm”, which determines the strength of your voice. Neural networks have also been trained to convey the differences between words, the, and over 1,000 hours of speech.
Another neural network was trained to distinguish sounds associated with emotional states. For example, a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease has more negative expressions such as frustration than happy and calm expressions.
AI neural network combination
A third neural network was trained with a cough voice sample to distinguish between lung and respiratory conditions. The combination of vocal cord strength, emotional expression, and lung / respiratory performance was overlaid with an algorithm that detects muscle deterioration to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy coughs.
Brian Svilana said that speaking and coughing affect surrounding organs such as the vocal cords and lungs. In addition to detecting cough, gender, native language, and people’s emotional state, the team analyzed whether biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease are associated with the coronavirus.
The AI speech processing framework detected positive cases with 98.5% sensitivity and 94.2% specificity.The program was also detected successfully Asymptomatic With 100% sensitivity and 83.2% specificity.
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Development of diagnostic app
According to Subirana, developing diagnostic tools, such as creating mobile apps, can reduce the spread of the virus by using it before going to public places such as campuses and restaurants, or by containing sudden outbreaks. .. The team shared that the AI algorithm can detect subtle differences between healthy cough and severe or asymptomatic cases.
The team shared that the AI method “can create a large-scale COVID-19 asymptomatic screening tool that can be distributed immediately, in real time, in real time, free of charge,” and spread the virus. Contained. However, the team will have to wait for Food and Drug Administration approval for the technology to be integrated into the mobile app.
The team found that the AI model couldn’t diagnose people with lung problems such as coronavirus, flu, and asthma. Rather, AI technology can distinguish between asymptomatic and healthy cough.
The team is currently partnering with companies to develop apps and working with various hospitals to collect audio samples of cough to improve early findings. “If the pre-screening tools are always on in the background and constantly improving, the pandemic can be a thing of the past,” the researchers write.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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