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Coronavirus Covid-19: National Wastewater Test Aims to Rinse Virus


Whangarei is one of 15 centers where wastewater is sampled in the new ESR-led Covid-19 Surveillance Pilot Study.Photo / Michael Cunningham

More New Zealand wastewater plants will be screened for traces of coronavirus and will eventually undergo expanded testing that may provide the country with new ways to pick up early outbreaks.

Scientific institution ESR already Detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus fragments in wastewaterFrom the first sampling at the Jet Park Hotel Quarantine Facility in Auckland.

This is an eight-week pilot study that will be expanded to other centers with controlled quarantine and quarantine (MIQ) centers around New Zealand (East Auckland, Christchurch, Hamilton, Rotorua, Wellington).

Sampling is also done in suburbs and cities such as West Auckland and Rosedale, Dunedin, Gisborne, Invercargill, Napier, Central and Northern Nelson, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, Queenstown, Taupo and Fungalley, with no MIQ facilities. ..

Sampling allows researchers to prove that a method works, while at the same time assessing the sensitivity and need for improvement of the method.

Dr. Brent Gilpin, ESR’s scientific leader, said pilots are focusing on how sampling logistics work, and wastewater testing does not replace clinical testing, but facilitates or guides it. Said that it is a potential way to.

“This project establishes how the results of sewage sampling can be combined with other established epidemiological monitoring data such as the current Gold Standard testing regime for nasopharyngeal swab PCR testing. We are aiming for it, “he said.

“Established tools continue to be the most sensitive and fast way to identify outbreaks. We want to add value to them through this research.”

If the ESR found an unexpected positive, there was a plan to check the result and report it to the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Joanne Hewitt, an ESR environmental virologist, said that interpreting negative and positive results can be difficult.

“The context of interpreting the data is just as important as the way it is detected,” she explained.

“For example, viral fragments can be detected in the stools of some people in the weeks following recovery from Covid-19, and these can be detected in sewage.

“This means that positive results do not necessarily mean that there are active cases in the community.”

Conversely, she added that negative results do not necessarily mean that there are no active cases.

“Not everyone who has Covid-19 sheds the virus in their stools, and the sensitivity of the detection method is limited. We still understand these factors.”

At the end of the eight-week period, the ESR will review the data and recommend the government for further wastewater sampling.

“Countries need to seek options for funding and organizing ongoing or expanded surveillance, which is done by governments that need good science to guide their decisions. It’s a broader decision. “

ESR is part of an international collaboration led by Water Research Australia aimed at developing an approach to combat Covid-19.

New Zealand researchers argue that our progress is slow compared to Australia, where detection of the virus in Sydney’s sewage has recently warned dozens of suburbs, pushing it harder to the government. I’m asking you to.

Professor Nick Wilson, an epidemiologist at the University of Otago, was encouraged by the expanded pilot.

“It will take some time before we really know how useful it is in the New Zealand situation,” he said.

“But this is a good country to further evaluate this kind of system. We already have a fairly long track record in identifying polioviruses and illicit drugs.”

Meanwhile, Wilson and his colleagues have proposed many other improvements to the New Zealand testing system to eliminate Covid-19. More community tests, And more frequent tests of border workers.


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