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Coronavirus Ireland: Schools and universities could remain closed after summer vacation, experts warn


Schools and colleges can remain closed after summer vacation. Coronavirus Experts warned last night.

Asked if the card had a fall reopening, Dr. Kilian de Gaskun said it could not be guaranteed.

Chair HSE The Coronavirus Expert Advisory Group added that it is “definitely possible” that they remain closed, “We will paint better during the summer. It’s maintained until you know you’re controlling. ”

In Ireland, another 17 people were killed last night at Covid-19, and 137 people died last night. After 331 new diagnoses by HSE were confirmed, the number of cases reached 4,604.

Health bosses have released the latest figures as Health Minister Simon Harris has promised to save millions of nursing homes. Harris revealed that the transmission rate here was declining, and that the breeding rate had dropped from 4.3 on March 16 to 2.5 by the end of the month.

(Image: RAQUEL MANZANARES / EPA-EFE / Shutterstock)

He said this was “real progress” – but the main challenge is to get the number below one, which means the virus “does not maintain itself in the community”.

At a press conference, Harris added that the next seven days will be “absolutely important.”

However, Dr. Degaskun warned that a longer blockade should be prepared than originally thought.

Talking about RTE Radio One, he said that schools, universities, and nurseries could not be ruled out to remain closed after summer.

“Yes, it is possible. I want to be in our position during the summer so that we can better understand what will happen in September.

“We’re trying to curb this epidemic, and we’re seeing that with restrictions we can control and reduce the number of cases.

“After all, it’s up to us. There’s no magic bullet. Limits apply until we find significant evidence of flattening the curve. The next two weeks are really important to us.”

The Health Protection Surveillance Center yesterday revealed that of the 17 patients diagnosed with Covid-19 who died, 15 were east, one was south and one was west.

Four women died and 13 men. The median age of death is 77, and 13 people are reported to have underlying medical conditions.

According to Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tony Hollohan:

Dr. Tony Hollohan, Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health
(Image: Collins)

“This is our intensive attention priority and we will continue to monitor infection rates in these settings and support the sector through this outbreak.

“The collective national effort to limit the spread of Covid-19 is inspiring. We must continue this effort, protect society’s vulnerabilities, and flatten the curve . “

Health Minister Simon Harris has announced financial support of 72 million euros for a private nursing home struggling to stop the spread of the virus. He invested resources after the emergence of 40 nursing homes with a cluster of Covid-19 cases.

A series of measures will result in private nursing home operators paying an additional € 800 / month to all residents of the Fair Deal scheme up to a maximum of 40.

They will be paid € 400 per month for the next 40 and € 200 per month thereafter. Nursing homes can charge up to € 75,000 for additional costs incurred by new measures to protect residents from Covid-19.

The Minister also announced a series of measures aimed at limiting the spread of the virus between residents and staff of nursing homes.

These include key crackdowns on agency staff moving between nursing homes. Staff also measure their body temperature and are screened twice daily for viruses.

Minister of Health Simon Harris TD
(Image: Gareth Chaney / Collins)

Minister Harris said: “The nursing home sector cares for one of the most valuable and vulnerable groups in our society. We do everything we can to support them to stop the virus transmission. Must do.

“To escape from this pandemic, it’s important not to leave anyone alone.”

Nursing Home Ireland’s Chief of Staff Tad Dally said he welcomed the support and said, “The focus has been moved to a nursing home where the most vulnerable people now live.”

An estimated 500 or more nursing homes provide professional care to 30,000 Irish people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


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