Here’s how the COVID-19 virus attacks our immune system
The new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 Immune systemLeaves the patient unable to fight the infection. Scientists around the world are trying to understand how SARS-CoV-2 attacks immune cells. American virologists have finally succeeded in deciphering that destructive path.
Virologist Benjamin ten Oever studied the properties of New corona virus At an isolated laboratory at Ikarn Medical College on Mount Sinai in East Harlem. He claimed that COVID-19 attacked the immune system and caused havoc like the other viruses he had previously studied.
All cells in our body share the same DNA and single-strand RNA. It acts like software, programming cells to make proteins.
TenOever’s team has found that SARS-CoV-2 is very good at disrupting this cell programming. A typical virus replaces less than 1% of the software in infected cells, while a new coronavirus replaces about 60% of the RNA in infected cells.
“This is the best I have ever seen. Polio The New Yorker quoted ten Oever’s words.
SARS-CoV-2 More dangerous than other viruses
According to tenOever, SARS-CoV-2 rewires the alert system that cells use to alert others about infection.
Normally, during an immune response, cells send two types of signals. One is transmitted via a molecule called interferon and the other is carried by a molecule called cytokine. The first signal alerts adjacent cells to protect themselves from the spread of the virus, while the second signal calls white blood cells. White blood cells not only eat invaders and infected cells, but also collect degraded protein parts.These fragments are used for virus-specific creation antibody..
Most of the viruses known to infect humans usually shut down both of these signaling programs, but SARS-CoV-2 inhibits only the interferon response, tenOever said.
tenOever and the team argued that this imbalanced immune response could cause potentially deadly blood clots, strange swelling in children, and hyperinflammation.Cytokine stormA health expert reported “” in patients with COVID-19. Their research results were published in the biweekly Cell.
In a subsequent study, tenOever and his team also found that older victims were less adaptable to the immune system and were more susceptible to virus-induced destruction.
Beginning of COVID-19 infection
SARS-CoV-2 first enters through the nose and throat when someone inhales air droplets containing the virus that have been shed by an infected person. The cells inside the nose are rich in angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which the virus needs to enter the cells. ACE2 is present throughout the body.
Once inside the cell, the virus hijacks the cell’s machine, making countless copies of itself, which invade new cells. Infected individuals may be asymptomatic or develop fever and a dry cough. sore throat, Loss of smell or taste, or head and body pain in the first week or so. However, during this time, the patient may shed a large amount of the virus.
If the immune system does not destroy SARS-CoV-2 in this early stage, it can reach the trachea and attack the lungs, which can be fatal. The virus is also known to affect other major organs such as the kidneys, heart and brain.
Release date: November 5, 2020 1:26 pm
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