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Colorado’s Coronavirus Third Wave is here

Colorado’s Coronavirus Third Wave is here


According to new data released by Colorado, Colorado has not changed the course of the coronavirus epidemic.

Virtually all Gauge state and community health leaders are watching carefully, but in the wrong direction. The 3-day percentage of positive tests jumped to 10.79 on Tuesday, and the 7-day percentage was 9.31. When that number reaches 5%, doctors raise concerns about the spread of the virus. The state has surpassed it since mid-October..

The number of coronadans hospitalized for COVID-19 approached an ominous threshold on Wednesday, approaching its first peak last spring. Currently, a total of 847 patients confirmed to be infected with the virus are hospitalized. That number is expected to surge above 888, which reached April within a day or two. According to state health department data, the total number of patients with confirmed or suspected virus is 970, well below the peak of 1277 reached on April 9.

Testing has improved significantly since spring, but top health leaders say the next few weeks will be important to control the spread of the virus.

“It’s certainly a milestone of concern,” said state epidemiologist Rachel Harley. “At this point, Colorado is probably as prevalent as it was at its peak.”

Health officials have given 18 counties in Colorado two weeks to reduce the number of COVID-19.

Colorado is currently facing a serious headwind in controlling the virus. The flu season has arrived. Thanksgiving and winter vacation can increase the transmission of the coronavirus unless the family takes steps to protect themselves.

This probably means the kind of limitation that was last seen in some communities a few months ago. Curfew, assembly restrictions, etc. Unless trends change, business capacity isn’t on track.

Colorado’s Supreme Health Authority said Wednesday that 18 counties are now Most restricted level response with state color dials: stay at home. Dr. Eric France, the state’s chief health officer, said local leaders now need to impose new restrictions, such as restrictions on meetings and curfew. Like what I ordered in Pueblo last week.. “If we see more of it in our state, we won’t be surprised next week,” he said.

18 counties shown in dark red State dial dashboard, Ha:

  • Denver
  • Douglas
  • Adams
  • Arapaho
  • Step
  • Jefferson
  • Bloomfield
  • welding
  • Morgan
  • Sedgwick
  • Philips
  • Washington
  • Kit carson
  • Crawley
  • Otello
  • Pueblo
  • Prowords
  • Alamosa

France said the county had two weeks to take steps to reduce the infection. If not, the state may implement a stay-at-home order for them. “As long as these rates are high, it will unfortunately be a real option,” he said.

The State Department of Health notified Bloomfield, Boulder, and Jefferson counties on Wednesday that they would move to Level Orange, one step away from the stay-at-home order. Bloomfield and Boulder will shift at 5 pm on Friday, November 6th. For Jefferson, it’s Monday, November 9th.


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