How to beat those winter blues
At this time, everything can start to feel a little harder than usual. Cold weather and short days can have a significant impact on mood, especially if you are suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
SAD is “a type of depression affected by seasonal changes,” explains Dr. Daniel Cichi of UK Healthcare Services Doctor 4U. “Depression can last all year round, but if symptoms only appear in certain seasons, you may be experiencing SAD.”
According to Dr. Mark Winwood, clinical leader in mental health services at AXA Health in the United Kingdom, the condition “can affect people’s mental health in different ways, depending on their severity.” He said common symptoms include “persistent mood and low energy levels, lack of enjoyment in daily life, poor concentration, irritability, guilt and worthlessness. There is sadness and so on. ” At the more serious end of the spectrum, “symptoms often include a loss of interest in meeting others and physical contact,” he adds.
Cichi also details how people experiencing SAD sleep. “Sleeping longer than usual can reduce activity and sociality, increase appetite and even gain weight.”
The exact reason why some people get SAD is not fully understood, but it is possible that many factors may be involved, as some are susceptible to seasonal changes. I am. “Lack of natural light during the winter, dull days, and early dark nights disrupt the circadian rhythm, increasing melatonin and making you feel sleepy, and reducing the soothing hormone serotonin,” says Cichi. .. “All of this leads to feelings of depression.”
For those in sadness, all the additional stress and uncertainty surrounding the pandemic can make things even more difficult this year. From a practical point of view, Cichi said: “More teleworkers need to be isolated or shielded indoors for extended periods of time, which reduces exposure to natural light. Many people are already depressed because of the pandemic. This is seasonal depression. It is consistent with the disease and can make those symptoms worse than in the previous year. ”
Winwood said, “It’s true that many people find life more difficult with the coronavirus pandemic. Depression when we move to a small circle and cancel the winter outings we usually look forward to. It is inevitable that there will be an increased risk of developing mental health problems such as the symptoms of. ”
Whether you’re suffering from serious SAD or feeling more depressed this time of the year, there are things you can do to improve your mood …
You may find that you are completely missing out on daytime hours, especially if you are working from home and not commuting. This can affect your mood.
Chi-Chi says he strives to “get as much natural sunlight as possible” by taking a “walk during the lunch break” and creating a “bright and airy work space in the house.”
The advantage of this is that “sunlight supports circadian rhythms and helps sleep at night,” Winwood explains.
“Eat plenty of good sleep, as it is essential for positive health and well-being,” Winwood advises.
If you’re having a hard time getting a decent night’s snooze, he recommends reducing stimulants like alcohol and caffeine and limiting the screen time before bedtime.
When it’s cold and dark, exercising may be the last thing you want to do, but it feels much better after that. You don’t have to do that much. Winwood says that just 20 minutes of physical activity to raise your heart rate “makes you feel more energetic and happier.”
He also recommends exercising as part of your daily plan. “Incorporating healthy habits and routines into your day can also give you some structure in your day.
It is a well-known fact that what we eat can affect our mental and physical health. “Processed foods are usually high in sugar and can affect energy and mood,” says Winwood, recommending that you include healthier options in your diet.
He also says that you can benefit from eating foods that support your body’s production of serotonin. “These include popcorn, oatmeal, nuts, egg whites, omelets, vegetables, fruits, peanut butter, and cottage cheese,” he says.
Staying connected with friends and family can be more difficult than ever during these strange times, but it helps prevent loneliness and isolation.
“I’m looking forward to dating when I’m socializing with friends and family,” says Winwood. “Whether it’s a phone call, a video call, or a socially distant catch-up (as guidelines allow), having good connections with friends and family can make a big contribution to our well-being and well-being. . ”
If you have severe symptoms of depression, it is advisable to consult your GP. In addition to leading an active and healthy lifestyle, Cichi “may require additional treatment for this disorder. SAD, like depression, is either conversational or drug therapy. Although it can be treated with, one of the most effective treatments for SAD is phototherapy.
“Phototherapy mimics the natural light that is lacking in winter. It is thought to improve mood and improve sleep by reducing melatonin and increasing serotonin.” Concerns and questions If so, please consult your doctor.
Winwood said: “Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for mental health. Your journey is personal and you need to do the best for yourself.”
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