COVID-19 Symptoms: Delirium with fever may be an early sign of coronavirus disease, new studies suggest

Although COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory illness, studies have shown that the infection also affects other systems in the body, especially the cardiovascular, central nervous and gastrointestinal systems. A Recent research Was announced in NeurologyFor example, COVID-19 states that it causes neurological and brain damage due to hypoxic levels or hypoxia.
However, further research will be conducted on how COVID-19 infection affects the brain and central nervous system, which neurological symptoms appear in patients, and what the long-term effects of such damage are. The symptoms of COVID-19 are sparse, despite the fact that This indicates that there is a large gap in knowledge about COVID-19, and immediate action can provide better care and treatment for COVID-19 patients.
Delirium and COVID-19
Delirium is defined as a serious impairment of mental capacity, including loss of mental state, attention, cognition, and surrounding consciousness. This is a confused state of mind, usually caused by abrupt changes in brain function due to structural or chemical processes. Anything that affects the brain at the level of neurotransmitters, neuroendocrine, or neuroinflammation can cause delirium.
Survey in June 2020 Acta Neurologica Belgica Fever and hypoxia due to COVID-19 infection are likely to cause delirium in older patients, he said. The presence of comorbidities such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hepatitis B infection, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, and immunodeficiency can also cause dementia. Another study, Age and aging In September 2020, we agree that delirium is a major symptom of COVID-19 in frail elderly patients. In fact, delirium should be treated as an early warning sign for COVID-19 in the elderly.
Delirium as an initial symptom
New research published in Journal of Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy Delirium suggests that it may appear as an early warning sign of COVID-19 not only in the elderly but also in other patients, especially with fever. This study, conducted by researchers at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), was based on a systematic review of current studies on the neurological effects of COVID-19.
The motivation for this study was the pathogenic process leading to delirium in COVID-19 patients, especially when preceded by other symptoms such as cough and dyspnea and accompanied by other neurological signs such as loss of taste and smell. It was to find. Researchers have identified three key factors that lead to delirium in patients with COVID-19.
1. Hypoxia: When an organ like the brain is deprived of oxygen at the tissue level, it causes swelling of neurons and edema of the brain, which in turn can cause brain damage. Microscopic examination of brain specimens collected from patients who died of COVID-19 shows acute hypoxic damage to the brain associated with neurological symptoms such as delirium, anosmia, and ageusia.
2. Nerve inflammation: This brain-damaging complication occurs when the immune system is over-activated, leading to elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines and over-activation of T cells. This can eventually lead to cytokine storms and serious damage to brain function.
3. Neurotoxicity: In rare cases, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can enter the central nervous system directly and cross the blood-brain barrier, causing toxicity to the brain. Such toxicity causes neurodegeneration and neurological symptoms before the virus infects the lungs, showing the symptoms of COVID-19, which is delirium and fever rather than coughing.
This study combined any one or all three of these factors for key brain functions such as immunoinflammatory regulation, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hormonal regulation, and neurotransmitter regulation. It suggests that the effects can cause delirium in COVID-19 patients. This understanding of the underlying brain mechanisms of COVID-19 infection can help develop new forms of treatment that can address delirium-like symptoms early on. Researchers may find it difficult to provide neurological care and medication with the treatment of COVID-19, but early screening of brain injuries in at-risk patients can prevent long-term problems. I conclude that.
For more information Neurological symptoms of COVID-19..
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