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Three more counties face strict restrictions as Colorado’s COVID-19 hospitalization is ready to exceed its April peak – Longmont Times-Call

Three more counties face strict restrictions as Colorado’s COVID-19 hospitalization is ready to exceed its April peak – Longmont Times-Call


Colorado hospitals took new steps on Wednesday to prevent overwhelming the surge in coronavirus cases. COVID-19’s current state-wide hospitalization is expected to peak in April in the next few days.

The move was confirmed by Denver officials as the worsening situation forced the state to impose stricter public health regulations on three more metro counties (Boulder, Bloomfield and Jefferson). They are considering imposing a curfew for the entire city To avoid a stay-at-home order.

Hospitals still have beds available throughout the state, but some facilities have turned to backup plans after temporarily reaching the capacity of the intensive care unit (ICU). On Wednesday, the Colorado Hospital Association announced the creation of a hub called the Complex Hospital Transfer Center, where hospitals and healthcare systems can reach capacity and seek help when patients need to be transferred to other facilities. ..

“If we continue to spread the virus, it will be a very, very serious time for our state,” said Dr. Eric France, Chief Health Officer of the State Department of Public Health and Environment, at a press conference. I mentioned in.

On Wednesday, 847 people were confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 and were hospitalized throughout the state. This is the highest number since April 24th. Colorado hospitalization peaked at 888 on April 14.

As hospitalizations increase and the ICU fills up, some facilities are rescheduled for surgery, refused to accept patients outside the state, or moved to other units. Julie Romborg, Senior Vice President of Communications and Media Relations, said.

If the number of people required for transfer exceeds the capacity of the hospital, which is determined by the number of patients and the number of staff available for treatment, the complex hospital transfer center will be activated.

According to a news release, if a hospital reaches capacity or is unable to provide the appropriate level of care to a patient, the facility will call the center to find a hospital that can assist in the area or state.

“This will allow us to quickly respond to capacity issues that Colorado cities or regions may face and take full advantage of the capacity of the entire state hospital system,” said Clinical Vice President. Dr. Darlene Taddy said. In the statement, the incident.

If infection with COVID-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus, continues at current levels, Colorado hospitals will have capacity in the intensive care unit by late December, or earlier if people gather during the holidays. Will exceed. , Dean of Colorado Public Health School.

“All the data confirm that the epidemic is getting worse,” he added. “As a result, vacation trips are more dangerous. Contact between people who do not belong to the same household should be minimized.”

Both the percentage of positive test results in the state and the number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 have skyrocketed in recent weeks. This means that the transmission of the disease is increasing, and the increase in news cases is not simply due to the increase in testing.

According to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, 2,600 new cases of coronavirus were recorded on Tuesday.

The percentage of tests that have returned positive in the last 7 days is 9.31%. The World Health Organization recommends keeping the positive rate below 5%.

Tighter restrictions

State health officials warned on the state’s COVID-19 dial that more counties could move to two highest levels, orange and red. This means that we will face stricter restrictions in order to control the spread of the disease.

Denver and Adams counties Second highest level last weekThat is, if the transmission of the disease is not delayed, the next step is a stay-at-home order.

Other details about the possibility of a curfew weren’t immediately available, but sources say the Denver Post will have additional information in the coming days.

“Everything is on the table,” said Teresa Marketta, a spokeswoman for Mayor Michael Hancock. “Hospitalization has skyrocketed.”

Hancock “doesn’t desperately want a stay-at-home order,” Marketta said.

It is not clear whether other municipalities will comply with Denver when considering a curfew, but state public health officials say that a curfew can act before local governments move to a curfew1 Said that there are two ways.

“The next step is a stay-at-home order, so leaders in these counties (at the orange level) are expected to do everything they can to avoid staying at home,” France said. I did.

On Wednesday, local public health officials announced that Boulder and Bloomfield counties would move to the second highest regulatory level (orange level) on Friday, with Jefferson county following Monday. The reason for limiting most business capacities to 25% follows a surge in positive rates for cases, hospitalizations, and tests.

“This is devastating, especially because we know that we can prevent the infection of this virus and that this change will have serious implications for our business and our social and emotional health.” Jeff Zayak, Secretary-General of the Boulder County Public Health Service, said. statement.

Concerns about testing ability

Demand for testing is also rising, and metropolitan community test sites experience long lines and are closed early when capacity is reached. On Wednesday, public health officials announced that Jeffco Stadium’s stride community COVID-19 test site had reached capacity before 9 am — within an hour of the location opening.

“We are interested in capabilities at all levels, including our testing capabilities,” said State Epidemiologist Dr. Rachel Harley.

In Summit County, medical and public health authorities have set up a community test site in Frisco to meet growing demand.

“The surge in cases since the Labor Day weekend has increased the demand for testing in Summit County by a factor of seven,” said Amy Wineland, director of public health, in a statement. “We moved from 360 tests in August to over 2,508 tests in October.”

Located on Frisco’s 110th Third Avenue, the site opens Wednesday and offers tests five days a week from 8am to 5pm. Vail Health has partnered with local civil servants, government officials, and the site Breckenridge Grand Vacations.

The Denver Post reporter Conrad Swanson contributed to this report.

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