The United States broke the daily record of new coronavirus infections, surpassing 118,000
The United States broke the daily coronavirus record on Thursday — in the week marked by record daily cases — when it exceeded 118,000 new infections. More than 100,000 new cases occurred for two consecutive days. A few weeks ago, health experts warned that the country’s daily cases would reach six digits, but these amazing numbers hit faster than expected. According to Johns Hopkins University, COVID-19 deaths could reach 266,000 by the end of November, according to an ensemble forecast released Thursday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On Thursday, there were at least 118,629 new cases nationwide. At least 1,187 deaths have been reported, an increase of nearly 20% from the same day last week. As the United States continues to shatter daily case records, so do states such as Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Wisconsin. Among those who set a new daily record of infectious diseases on Thursday. In just 10 months, more than 9.6 million people in the United States were infected with the coronavirus and more than 234,000 died. More than 53,000 people were hospitalized for coronavirus on Thursday, and hospitalizations are skyrocketing nationwide. As the pandemic continues to grow, some officials have enacted new rules to control the spread of the virus. The state recorded a record number on Thursday. The number of new coronavirus infections, and it also reported the maximum number of people in hospitals and intensive care units. The state reported 4,961 new COVID-19 cases, with 2,075 hospitalized and 571 hospitalized in the ICU. Governor Mike DeWine has attributed the increase in incidents to weddings, funerals and other social factors, saying that all counties in the state are seeing large community expansion. “It’s everywhere,” he said. “We can’t hide from it. We can’t escape from it. We have to face it.” Utah set a daily record with 2,807 new coronavirus cases, The average for 7 days was 1,943 cases. According to state epidemiologist Angela Dunn. Gov, this is an increase from last week, with a seven-day average of 1,578. Gary Herbert said the report was “disastrous news and disappointing.” He warned that the number of states would increase further in the coming weeks unless he changed the behavior of the population, but added that he did not want to close the business to curb expansion. “I think it’s probably in the wrong direction,” he added. Said. “There may be behavioral changes needed to continue these businesses.” And in Minnesota, there were nearly 4,000 new infections on Thursday, and the state hit daily highs for new cases for the third straight day. I defeated it. The state health department also reported for the ninth consecutive day that more than 100 new people were hospitalized for the coronavirus. Fight over shutdown El Paso, Texas reached record numbers of hospitalizations on Wednesday, admitting at least 1,041 COVID-19 patients Coronavirus is so prevalent in El Paso County that it is the fourth move this week Sex Morg headed for this area. The county’s chief government official, Judge Ricardo Samaniego County, finally ordered a two-week shutdown of all unwanted services. weekly. Without such measures, “there will be unprecedented levels of death,” he said. However, the Texas Attorney General said his office sought a temporary injunction to suspend the “illegal blockade” of judges flying in the face of the government. Greg Abbott’s Executive Order on COVID-19. Abbott said Samaniego had “illegally” closed its business. A county judge revealed that he “did not enforce existing protocols permitted by law” that could help control the virus “while allowing businesses to operate safely.” Said. From curfew to mask obligations, crowd management, and other state and local authorities, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued a home recommendation earlier this week, which goes into effect from 10 pm to 5 am. Baker also announced new restrictions. Connecticut has announced new capacity limits for restaurants, religious ceremonies, and indoor event spaces before and after new closing times for meetings, indoor facilities, theaters, and other venues. Ned Lamont also recommended staying home from 10 pm to 5 am to limit the spread of the infection by social gatherings, the main source of infection during this fall’s surge. People who cannot work from home may be at increased risk of getting COVID-19. A study published Thursday in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Weekly Report on Morbidity and Mortality reports that people who are positive for COVID-19 go to work more regularly than those who are negative. The chances were almost doubled. Investigated by a CDC-led team. 314 adults in the United States: 153 were symptomatic and tested positive for the COVID-19 PCR test, and 161 were symptomatic and tested negative. Of the 248 participants who reported their telework status two weeks before the onset of illness, those who tested positive for COVID-19 were more likely to report going to work exclusively. The findings highlight the socio-economic differences between participants who teleworked and those who did not, the authors write. Non-white employees and low-income employees had fewer opportunities to work from home. “If possible, permitting and encouraging telecommuting or telecommuting options is an important consideration for reducing SARS-CoV-2 infection,” the author writes. Impossible, they said workers’ safety measures should be expanded.
The United States broke the daily coronavirus record on Thursday — in the week marked by record daily cases — when it exceeded 118,000 new infections. There were more than 100,000 new cases, which was the second consecutive day.
Health experts warned a few weeks ago that the country’s daily cases would reach six digits, but those amazing numbers hit faster than expected. In addition, COVID-19 deaths could reach 266,000 by the end of November, according to an ensemble forecast released Thursday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
According to Johns Hopkins University, there were at least 118,629 new cases nationwide on Thursday. At least 1,187 deaths have been reported, an increase of almost 20% from the same day last week.
The same is true for states across the country, as the United States continues to shatter daily case records. Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Wisconsin are one of the countries that set new daily records of infection on Thursday.
In just 10 months, more than 9.6 million people in the United States were infected with the coronavirus and more than 234,000 died. The number of hospitalizations due to coronavirus has exceeded 53,000, and hospitalizations are increasing rapidly nationwide. Thursday..
As the pandemic continues to escalate, some officials are enacting new rules that seek to control the spread of the virus.
State breaks new daily record
A record number of new coronavirus infections were seen in Ohio on Thursday, and it was also reported that the number of inpatients and people in the intensive care unit was the highest. The state reported 4,961 new COVID-19 cases, with 2,075 hospitalized and 571 hospitalized in the ICU.
Governor Mike DeWine has attributed the increase in incidents to weddings, funerals and other social gatherings, saying that all counties in the state are seeing a large community expansion.
“It’s everywhere,” he said. “We can’t hide from it. We can’t escape from it. We have to face it.”
Utah set a daily record for 2,807 new cases of coronavirus, averaging 1,943 cases over a 7-day period. According to state epidemiologist Angela Dan, the seven-day average was 1,578, up from last week.
Governor Gary Herbert said the report was “disastrous news and disappointing.” He warned that the state would see even more in the coming weeks unless residents changed their behavior.
But he added that he didn’t want to close the business to keep spreads down.
“I think it’s probably in the wrong direction,” he said. “Maybe some changes in the actions that need to be taken to keep those businesses open.”
In addition, Minnesota experienced nearly 4,000 new infections on Thursday, and the state recorded the highest number of new cases each day for the third consecutive day. The state health department also reported that more than 100 new people were hospitalized for coronavirus for the ninth consecutive day.
The battle for shutdown
El Paso, Texas reached a record high number of hospitalizations on Wednesday, with at least 1,041 COVID-19 patients admitted to the city.
The coronavirus is so prevalent in El Paso County that a fourth morgue went to the area this week.
County Judge Ricardo Samaniego, a high-ranking county official, ordered a two-week suspension of all unwanted services last week. Without such measures, “there will be unprecedented levels of death,” he said.
However, the Texas Attorney General has issued a temporary injunction for his office to suspend the judge’s “illegal blockage order flying in the face of Greg Abbott’s executive order on COVID-19.” He said he had filed a petition for.
Abbott said Samaniego had “illegally” closed its business. A county judge revealed that he “did not enforce existing protocols permitted by law” that could help control the virus “while allowing businesses to operate safely.” Said.
From curves to mask mandates to crowd management, other state and local officials are struggling to manage COVID-19 while doctors say it will be the worst surge ever.
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced a stay-at-home order earlier this week, which goes into effect from 10 pm to 5 am.
Baker also announced new restrictions on meetings and new closing times for indoor facilities, theaters and other venues.
Connecticut has announced new capacity limits for restaurants, religious ceremonies and indoor event spaces.
Governor Ned Lamont also recommended that residents stay home from 10 pm to 5 am to limit their spread through social gatherings, which are the main source of infection during this fall’s surge.
People who cannot work from home may be at increased risk of getting COVID-19
Most hired adults test positive for COVID-19 Double the chance of reporting that you go to work on a regular basis More than those who tested negative, according to a study published Thursday in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Weekly Report on Morbidity and Mortality.
The CDC-led team surveyed 314 adults in the United States. 153 were symptomatological and had a positive COVID-19 PCR test, and 161 were symptomatic and had a negative test result.
Of the 248 participants who reported working from home two weeks before the onset of illness, those who tested positive for COVID-19 were more likely to report going to work only.
The findings highlight the socio-economic differences between participants who worked from home and those who did not, the authors write. Non-white employees and low-income employees had fewer opportunities to work from home.
“If possible, permitting and encouraging the option of working from home or working from home is an important consideration for reducing SARS-CoV-2 infection,” the author writes.
They said workers’ safety measures need to be expanded if telecommuting is not possible.
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