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Researchers warn that deadly bat-borne viruses spill “repeatedly” into humans


Researchers warn that the world needs to be wary that bat-borne deadly viruses can spread to “repeated” human populations and develop into more susceptible strains. ..

Nipah virus is an emerging infectious disease that occurs annually in densely populated areas of Bangladesh and India. In humans, it often causes fatal encephalitis, and there is currently no cure or vaccine. Mortality is up to 90% Kerala, South India in 2018, 17 out of 18 infected people died.

The virus usually spreads to humans when it consumes fruits contaminated with the saliva of infected bats.

But new research Minutes of the National Academy of SciencesIndicates that the disease is more widespread than previously thought and can occur in areas where date palms are not consumed or harvested. Date palms are the most commonly associated fruit.

Dr. Jonathan Epstein, vice president of science and lead author of the study at the US Eco-Health Alliance, said bat species carrying the Nipah virus occur in Asia, Australia and the South Pacific. He described the virus as “knocking on the door repeatedly.”

“It repeatedly jumps from the bat host to the person, causing high mortality events. Unlike Sars-CoV-2. [the virus that causes Covid] Human-to-human transmission is not so easy. However, we are concerned that there may be strains or variants of the Nipah virus that are present in bats and can be efficiently spread from person to person. And if that becomes clear, the consequences can be a widespread outbreak of a very deadly disease. ”

Researchers collected samples from more than 2,700 bats in Bangladesh over a six-year period and found that the virus occurred in bat populations across the country and that bats were positive for the virus throughout the year.

Previous studies have suggested that human nipa outbreaks occur primarily in western Bangladesh (called Nipabert) and occur during certain seasons from November to April.

However, Dr. Epstein said studies have shown that the virus can appear in humans wherever this type of fruit bat lives.

“Nipah infections can occur in any part of Southeast Asia. There is a risk of missing an outbreak because we are not paying close attention,” he said.

Researchers say the outbreak is still sporadic, but there is considerable underreporting because the symptoms are similar to other illnesses such as Japanese encephalitis and Japanese encephalitis. malaria..

The 2018 outbreak in Kerala surprised many infectious disease experts as it was unrecorded and 1,200 km away from the nearest previous outbreak.

Nipah virus is high in the World Health Organization Priority list of pathogens It has the potential to develop epidemic.

Earlier this year, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a US government infectious disease adviser, said Co-authored a paper in a journal cell warning that the world is entering a “pandemic era.”With the advent of diseases such as Nipa and Covid-19, which jump from animals to humans.

Pandemics have occurred throughout human history, but as society grows and humans invade the territory of animals, “there are endless diverse opportunities for the emergence of genetically unstable infectious pathogens.” He writes.

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