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Researchers warn about the Nipa epidemic in Bangladesh, India

Researchers warn about the Nipa epidemic in Bangladesh, India


A man carrying a clay pot with fresh date palm juice on a winter morning in Jashore Syed Zakir Hossain / Dhaka Tribune

225 people died in 20 years nationwide

A group of researchers warn that Nipah virus (NiV) can cause another epidemic in Bangladesh, India, and other Asian countries.

“The virus is more contagious than previously thought,” said a study published in the minutes of the National Academy of Sciences (PANS) in the United States.

There is concern that the Nipah virus may be more likely to infect villages in any region.

The results of a six-year study conducted by the Ecohealth Alliance, a non-profit organization operating globally at the crossroads of animal, environmental and human health, were announced on November 3rd.

The research report was edited by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a renowned infectious disease specialist.

Nipah virus was first identified in 1999 after an outbreak of pigs that infected nearly 300 people who had been in contact with pigs.

Researchers have shown that the Nipah virus is not as limited as previously thought to what is traditionally known as the Nipah belt along the Bangladesh-Indian border.

According to researchers, Bangladesh has an outbreak of humans almost every year from November to April.

The Nipah virus, which occurs annually throughout Bangladesh, kills about 70% of infected people. Those who survive acute encephalitis recover completely, but about 20% have neurological effects such as persistent seizures and personality changes.

Nipa is a distant relative of measles, but has no vaccine or effective medical treatment. It can cause cerebral edema and commas. Outbreaks often occur through consumption of raw date palm sap and contact with intermediate hosts such as livestock and bats.

“Nipah regularly circulates large fruit-eating bats in many parts of Asia, but human outbreaks only occur when there is a bat-to-human transmission route,” said the lead author. Dr. Jonathan Epstein Outreach, Vice President of Science for the Ecohealth Alliance.

The virus can cause fever, headaches, muscle aches, nausea and even lung infections.

“225 people died in 20 years”

Bangladesh reports that 225 out of 319 positive cases died in 20 years (2001-2020), according to the Institute for Epidemiology and Disease Control (IEDCR).

Of the six Nipah virus infections, four were reported dead in 2020.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), outbreaks in Bangladesh and India are most likely to consume urine and saliva-contaminated fruits and fruit products (such as raw nut palm juice) from infected fruit bats. It was the source. Bats of the flying fox family, especially species belonging to the genus Flying Fox, are natural hosts for Nipah virus. Fruit bats have no obvious illness.

Main concerns

Scientists have long had the idea that the disease would occur in areas where fruit juice is collected from dates. However, infections are currently being found in areas where there are no dates. Even those who didn’t drink the juice were infected, Jonathan Epstein said.

“The virus repeatedly knocks on the door,” he says.

“It’s changing repeatedly from bats to humans, but I’m worried that it may contain gene strains and mutants that can easily spread from person to person. It could lead to a pandemic, “he warned.

The outbreaks are still sporadic, but researchers have called on the world to be vigilant.


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