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Parents advise others not to test their child at school for COVID-19

Parents advise others not to test their child at school for COVID-19


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Parents in some areas have agreed not to have their children tested for COVID-19 to avoid school closures and weeks of quarantine for other students. SolStock / Getty Images
  • A group of parents from some areas have come together to agree not to perform COVID-19 tests on children to avoid school closures...
  • Experts say these agreements can increase community expansion and, as a result, even longer closures and deaths...
  • Most children present with mild COVID-19 symptoms, but some children experience severe consequences and require medical supervision...
  • Testing is an important tool for providing effective care and limiting the spread of COVID-19 as soon as possible.

In late October 2020 News broke Parents across the country had one common goal. It is to keep the school open and reduce the number of COVID-19s so that they can resume after-school sports and activities so that they do not have to face the closure of local businesses due to the increase in numbers.

To achieve this goal, parents began encouraging each other not to have their children tested for COVID-19 if they began to show symptoms.

In their view, a decrease in tests leads to a decrease in numbers, which allows life to continue as normally as possible.

There is only one problem with that plan: it does not mean that the risk of COVID-19 is eliminated.

Pediatrician Dr. Young Blood’s Teeth, Children’s of Alabama recently told Healthline that fatigue is ultimately behind the latest “mama code.”

“Everyone is fed up with the daily impact of this pandemic on virtually everyone’s lives. No one is affected,” Youngblood explained. “Most of us are anxious to return to our usual activities, such as work, school, extracurricular lessons, and socializing.”

She also said her parents were worried about the effects of the ongoing turmoil in education and socialization on their children. They are anxious to have something else “ordinary” this year.

Meanwhile, more people are facing financial stress, making long-term quarantine and quarantine particularly difficult.

Just because we are all involved in and understand the stress of our parents does not mean that it is a good idea to choose not to test our children. Dr. Mayssa Abuali I am a pediatric infectious disease specialist at the Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia.

She says the zero-test “mama code” could spread further within the community.

“Children infected with COVID-19 can spread the virus to vulnerable families, such as older grandparents and families with underlying health problems,” Abu Ali explained. “These vulnerable individuals may experience severe COVID-19 requiring hospitalization and are at increased risk of dying from this virus.”

Most children seem to be doing pretty well with COVID-19 and have only mild symptoms, but she goes on to ICU for respiratory assistance (oxygen or machinery to help breathing). He said there was a small subset of people who got sick enough to need to enter the room.

Early testing and testing will help the child’s pediatrician monitor the child’s progress and assess the need for additional care, Abuari said.

“Even if you don’t know the cause of the disease, what’s happening in your body doesn’t change,” Youngblood said. “We have access to tests that can prevent the spread of the virus within the community and improve our ability to provide answers that help guide parents in important decisions about child health.”

Instead of skipping the test, Young Blood explained that what the family really needs now is better education and organization.

“We are still actively fighting the spread of very inaccurate information about the virus and the effects of the disease it causes,” she said. “We need a family to better understand the broader consequences of COVID.”

While the national story still focuses on loss of life, Young Blood may not be hospitalized, but parents understand that many patients suffer from the disease for months. Said it was important.

Still, Youngblood recognizes why parents choose not to test symptomatic children, as they repeatedly navigate their families when they navigate school closures, leave, and time away from the normal support network. She says she needs a better organization to identify and provide resources.

With these support, parents may be less likely to agree to these untested agreements.

Besides identifying patients who may require additional care, one of the main reasons for the test is to help contain the virus.

“We can contain the virus through mass rapid testing, contact tracing, and quarantine of infected people,” Abu Ali explained. “You can’t control this virus without knowing who is carrying it.”

Everyone is anxious to end this pandemic, but testing is one of the tools we need to help to make it happen as soon as possible.

By choosing not to use that tool, parents will only have more time to deal with shutdowns and other inconveniences as a result of the growing community.

“More tests can identify infected patients and prevent them from spreading to friends, teachers, coaches, family members, and especially loved ones with potential risk factors that can lead to long-term or severe illness,” Youngblood said. Explained. ..

“COVID-19 is our common enemy,” Abu Ali said. “We must work together to control this virus.”

It involves accepting three Ws: washing hands, wearing a mask, and monitoring distance.

“Studies have shown that wearing a mask protects you and others,” Abu Ali explained. “Cloth masks are as much as 85% effective in blocking virus particles.”

Beyond that, she said we all had to practice physical distance.

“The CDC has released a report detailing how indoor gatherings, including family gatherings, are driving the rapid growth of COVID-19 in our community, including during vacations. Avoid indoor gatherings. “

She encourages her family to avoid other indoor locations such as gyms, bars and indoor dining.

“The United States never overcame the first wave of COVID-19, and now the virus is spreading rapidly in many parts of the country, filling hospitals and increasing deaths. We are a society. We must unite to protect the most vulnerable people in the United States, “said Abuari.

As part of that, she explained that she accepts her adult responsibility to comply with public health guidance, especially to bring children back to school and enable communities and businesses to prosper quickly.

For families who feel punished as a result of COVID-19’s health obligations, Youngblood said she could be involved. “Everything stinks. I still feel like I’m being punished.”

But it doesn’t change the behavior of the disease, she said.

“Still, it will infect, spread, and disrupt the lives of many people, so we have a choice. Ignore it and let it continue, or this microscopic enemy. Do you do difficult things to stop? “

Young Blood believes this is an opportunity to teach our children the important lessons of resilience, patience, and truly love for their neighbors. All of this begins with following public health guidelines and includes testing people in symptomatic homes, regardless of the “mother’s code”. “You may have been asked to participate.


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