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“It keeps me awake at night”: People who have to wait for cancer treatment for Covid-19


Cancer charities have warned that hundreds of patients could get stuck in surgery and die from their reactions. Coronavirus pandemic.

This is a shocking outlook, especially for those who are currently waiting for cancer treatment.

As the number of people diagnosed with the virus grows by hundreds each day, the NHS is under increasing pressure as temporary hospitals are set up throughout the country.

And Tenovous Cancer Care states that services are being overwhelmed by resources being diverted to address the outbreak of Covid-19.

It warns that delays in treatment and screening may mean that both current and future cancer patients have difficulty getting the care and treatment they need.

The dire realities of the situation are affecting cancer patients throughout Wales who are facing changes and delays in treatment with the virus.

Phil Coventry has traveled more than 200 miles just for some of the steps to get rid of his skin cancer being canceled
(Image: Phil Coventry)

After being diagnosed with skin cancer in February, Phil Coventry from Anglesea canceled some of his procedures after traveling 200 miles for surgery to remove tissues and glands.

His operation was to take place on March 24, just one day after PM Boris Johnson closed the country.

Now, the coronavirus means that he may need to receive important follow-up appointments online.

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For limited health services AngleseaPhil was sent to Whiston Hospital in Merseyside for treatment.

The 66-year-old patient needed skin mapping and a dye mapping procedure to see if the cancer had spread to his lymph nodes. However, the dye mapping process was canceled at 6:30 pm the day before the arranged surgery.

“We traveled the night before, but that night we received a call saying they canceled the mapping procedure and are going to have the resection the next day,” he said.

“The surgeon was eager to do the procedure perfectly as planned, but unfortunately he told me his hands were tied up while the team waited for the expected increase in coronavirus patients. Was.

“I felt as if my knee had responded to the announcement, and the hospital was completely closed.

“They were told that the procedure was canceled because they were concerned about cross-infection-I was going to go to the hospital anyway, so I don’t know how it affected me.”

(Image: Phil Coventry)

Phil had surgery to remove skin tissue, but did not know that he would no longer be able to receive dye mapping treatment-making it impossible to know if the cancer had spread.

“It was only at that time that the surgery had been performed and it was not possible to do a dye mapping to see if it was spreading.

“They didn’t check that the lymph nodes could be affected. Right now, it’s just a clock and wait situation that keeps me awake at night. I was told that I could, but I was worried about what to find after the delay and the delay.

“I was asked if I would be ready for a follow-up interview online in the future, which means they would not investigate me at all. It seems that she was expected to diagnose herself It sounds like, but there’s no clue what you’re looking for, and small lumps can lead to cancer, which irritates us and leaves us abandoned.

“The worst thing is not to know if it has spread, but only to know how it is. It’s the game you’re waiting for.”

Wayne John, a bowel cancer patient with endometrial cancer, and his wife, Diane, have discontinued the scan and have said they have been worried about delayed scanning and treatment since the outbreak.

John Swansea, Said: “My wife has suspicious peritoneal cancer (a rare type of cancer that can occur when gynecological cancer has spread) and will have a CT scan on Monday, March 16 Did, but it was called the day before Friday canceled.

“ I was supposed to have an MRI of the ongoing problem of post-operative infection and was considered urgent, so this was reported to be ongoing, but my wife’s scan was It is much more urgent than the ones.

“When I called the hospital to talk to the consultant, the talker was urgent to scan for the agreed-upon Diane, and someone called and asked him to relocate, but hadn’t heard anything since.

“I’m very worried about delays and confusion. I fully understand that it was impossible to plan for the outbreak of Covid-19, but otherwise there are many hidden victims of this crisis Need to consider the lives of cancer and other patients. “

Mom, Carolyn Gammon Port Talbot, Was diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy in 2015.

After giving birth, she discovered that the cancer had spread, and she was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer of the lung.

Fortunately, Carolyn’s condition is progressing slowly, which means that she doesn’t need to go to the hospital.

Carolyn and partner Alion and children 7 and 4 years old
(Image: Carolyn Gammon)

But the biggest concern at the age of 47 is that if she gets sick, her incurable condition means she can’t get a bed at night.

“I live with secondary breast cancer, but I’m really lucky to be doing well at this point and not have to go to the hospital regularly,” she said.

“The main concern for me during a coronavirus outbreak is how care is prioritized, especially when hospital beds run out of space.”

“If you get sick, you won’t die from viruses that die due to lack of resources.

“If I choose between me with an incurable disease and someone with an otherwise healthy and healthy coronavirus, I know I’m not the first choice. Doctor When she recently saw the news that had to make these decisions, she went home.

“Thankfully, this is the worst scenario for me at the moment. I can scan just before social distance begins and get results over the phone, but I’m going to get treatment or have cancer It’s a real possibility that people are progressing. ”

Lillian has two daughters, two stepdaughters and one stepson

Just weeks after receiving a catastrophic diagnosis, she was 62-year-old Lillian Evans, from cecal cancer-a type of colon cancer- MumbleHe returned to the doctor’s office and checked the results of the CT scan.

She was informed of the painful news that the tumor had spread to her abdomen and pelvis, and had only a nine-month survival.

After aggressive chemotherapy treatment, Lillian and her 22-year-old partner Don Moore (67) say that oncologists can operate on cancer and grandmothers’ lifespan may be extended by another 5-7 years I couldn’t believe my ears. .

With the good news that Lillian’s life can be extended, the bad news came that treatment could not be done in Wales, and the couple had to raise £ 70,000 to undergo surgery at Basingstoke Would not have been.

Now, despite the operation being said to be feasible, it has been pushed back for the coronavirus. Instead, Lillian has been returned to chemotherapy.

“Even if the coronavirus disappears tomorrow, you have to wait four weeks after the last chemotherapy session,” said Lillian partner Don.

“For Lillian, chemo is a” must do “case. There is no other choice. “

Listen to an earlier interview with Lillian Evans:

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Chemotherapy can be a traumatic and intense experience, but this is now even more true for coronaviruses.

Usually, families can sit and visit with the patient, but this is no longer allowed.

“She has to go on her own now,” Don said.

“We can’t go see her or anything. It’s not very comfortable to think of her alone.”

Judi Rhys, Chief Executive of Tenovus Cancer Care, said: “We speak to Welsh cancer patients during the coronavirus crisis and are working to make sure their needs are not forgotten at the moment.

“We know that our health care system is under incredible pressure, but we cannot treat patients with coronavirus at the expense of caring for people who have been diagnosed with cancer.

“I know that Dr. Andrew Goodall, CEO of NHS Wales, has written all medical committees to instruct them to continue prioritizing cancer patients and maintain treatment where possible. That is very encouraging.

“I’d like to keep patients informed about their cancer treatment experience during this time. Patients who are concerned about their health can always call the free nurse-led support line at 0808 808 1010 Please give me.”


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