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New studies show that masks do not interfere with exercise

New studies show that masks do not interfere with exercise


Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan have found that the use of masks, whether disposable or reusable cloth masks, has no effect on athletic performance or oxygen levels. the study, Published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthWas held at the University of Saskatchewan by Midale’s Keely Shaw, Scotty Butcher, John Bamco, Gordon A. Zero, and Phil Chiribeck.

“We know that gyms are usually indoor places where people gather, so infections (of COVID-19) can be high in those places, so for policy makers it. I wanted to find out if this was feasible, to implement wearing a face mask while exercising, “show explained. Research shows that if you need to shut down further, you could keep the gym open if you can show that you can exercise with a mask, Shaw added.

The test was conducted in a group of 14 people, 7 men and 7 women, and the so-called V02 Max test was performed on an exercise bike.

“They are biking and starting at a relatively low intensity, then increasing in intensity every two minutes until they can’t go any further physiologically and physically,” Shaw explained. .. Participants monitored the amount of oxygen in their muscles and blood while riding an exercise bike. Participants were also asked to evaluate the perceived movement throughout the test. This can last up to 12 minutes.

Participants were tested three times in three days, and the order of riding without masks, disposable masks, or reusable cloth masks was randomized for each participant.

Shaw said one of the criticisms they saw was the length of the test, and the 10-minute V02 Max test was different from regular gym membership. But as someone who has taken the V02 Max test in the past, including as part of their research, Shaw said this is absolutely tough.

“This is a 10-minute test and it feels like it took an hour and a half because it’s so intense,” Shaw explains.

Based on this research, Shaw feels that it is not necessary to set a gym exception. She pointed out the spin class that caused the outbreak in Hamilton. The people at the gym paid close attention to cleaning, but no masks were worn. If the mask had been installed, the outbreak was small or probably not.

Another point of criticism that the show raised was that people were wondering about political inclinations and funding for research.

“We weren’t receiving funding for this, we’re not on any political agenda,” Shaw said. “This is completely black and white science, to be completely honest. We were unaffected by anyone.”


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