Brackenhurst Chief Teacher Survives Breast Cancer
Dorothy Buitendag, 50, who succeeded in fighting breast cancer, has inspired many people. She received the news in 2016 that she had no cancer.
Things changed completely in October 2015 when a passionate mid-career teacher first felt a lump in his left breast.
She was diagnosed with HER2-positive type cancer and aggressive hormone-related type breast cancer.
“I remember sitting on the couch. For some reason I held my hand over my chest and felt a lump in my left chest. My bowel sensation told me that the lump couldn’t be there. After that, I decided to do a mammogram. Waiting for the results was the most stressful thing I’ve ever done, “said Buitendag.
A fifth grade teacher who has been teaching for 26 years said she was officially diagnosed with cancer after receiving her results.
The result had a great impact on one mother. However, she decided to recover completely over time.
“You can’t start explaining the shock of that diagnosis, you get cold and a million thoughts run through your mind. Another colleague of mine who was a survivor of breast cancer helped me. She introduced me to a breast cancer expert, “she said.
Her daughter was in grade 9 that year and they even went on vacation to France.
To avoid the spread of cancer, she had to remove and examine the main glands of the lymph nodes.
“This was done so that they could know if the cancer was in a gland. Breast cancer usually starts in the breast and, when it spreads, passes through other glands. My cancer God was kind to me because it wasn’t in my glands. “Fortunately, we discovered it early on,” said Buitendag.
In January 2016, she began treatment, eventually receiving chemotherapy as a preventative measure and later radiation therapy.
Buitendag considers himself lucky after losing two close friends to cancer.
A long but positive journey
The mother told RECORD that during the trip the school gave her time to focus on treatment.
She also described the entire journey as a difficult experience that brought about many changes in her lifestyle and physique.
Despite the fight against cancer, she still looked at the big picture of her life and remained positive.
She said her illness taught her to appreciate life more and to consider every moment as a blessing.
“People are very negative and tend to complain about many things. If you want to meet positive people, go to the chemotherapy ward. They are the most positive people you will meet. They are Everyone sits dripping, but they still have hope for the future, “said Buitendag.
She also told RECORD that she was forever grateful for the support she received from her family and friends who stood beside her when she needed it most.
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