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Regular cancer screening is essential for early detection and long-term health.Medical

Regular cancer screening is essential for early detection and long-term health.Medical


Due to the pandemic, many medical examinations and regular examinations have been put on hold. However, as regulations are relaxed, it is important to keep track of the schedule needed to ensure early detection and precautionary measures.

After all, keeping up with annual health checks and proper screening can be an important step towards long-term health.

Cancer screening is usually a regular test for patients who have not yet had symptoms.

“As the old saying goes, you don’t notice the problem until you look for it,” said Dr. Chau Nguyen, a primary care physician at the Advent Health Medical Group.

In general, the sooner a doctor finds cancer, the more likely it is that the patient can be treated before it spreads. For this reason, early detection often means more successful treatment.

Screening is especially useful for finding early signs of breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also recommends screening for lung cancer in high-risk people.

Cancer screening includes physical examinations by health care providers, imaging tests such as x-rays, and clinical tests. In most cases it is a combination of them.

“Of course, we need to balance screening and diagnostic testing in terms of benefits and costs / risks,” Nguyen said. “Not all tests are harmless. Not all tests are cheap. We need to wait for the test results and the interpretation of the test with subsequent further tests that the patient must experience. I am concerned about the possibility of anxiety, so there is an age limit for each screening test. “

Although many screenings depend on gender, personal health, and family risk, the American Cancer Society recommends that men and women begin regular colorectal cancer screening at age 45.

“Screening for colon cancer is required every 10 years for colonoscopy or every 3 years for cologards, unless specifically recommended by a gastrointestinal specialist,” Nguyen said. “Of course, new symptoms determine the diagnostic test.”

“Regular screening of men benefits for colon and prostate cancer,” he said. “Prostate cancer is screened for a combination of tests, changes in symptoms, and PSA-level tests.”

According to the CDC, men over the age of 50 should consult their doctor about the benefits and limitations of prostate screening. High-risk patients should consult a doctor from the age of 45. Men over the age of 70 should not be screened for prostate cancer on a regular basis.

“The regular screening of women is breast, cervical and colon cancer,” Nguyen said. “Breast cancer is screened on the mammogram every 1-2 years, depending on the risk, unless new findings occur.”

The US Preventive Medicine Committee recommends that women aged 50 to 74 years with an average risk of breast cancer get a mammogram every two years. Women between the ages of 40 and 49 should consult with their doctor or other health care professional about when to start and how often to get a mammogram.

“For cervical cancer screening, you need to see a Papanicolaou stain every five years,” Nguyen said. “This adds to the annual gynecologist’s examination to detect new findings.”

The CDC recommends Papanicolaou stain specimens from the age of 21. If the Papanicolaou test results are normal, your doctor may say that you can wait three years before the next Papanicolaou test. Women between the ages of 30 and 65 should consult their doctor about appropriate screening options.

Screening may seem inconvenient and frightening, but it is an important part of quickly finding and treating possible health risks.

“First consult your doctor to see which screenings apply in terms of concerns, priorities, family and individual risks, current medical and socio-economic conditions, and currently available data. Please, “said Nguyen.


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