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The United States is approaching 10 million coronavirus cases


According to the report, the United States is rushing towards yet another tough milestone of 10 million cases, with more than 9.9 million cases reported as of Sunday night. Johns Hopkins University data.

The country recorded 100,762 new cases and 453 new deaths as of 9:30 pm EST on Sunday, marking the fifth highest new case day in the country since the pandemic began. I recorded it.

The fall resurrection provided regular records of cases, inpatients, and daily deaths. Experts warn that numbers may continue to grow in the coming weeks and are encouraging measures to mitigate the epidemic.

“The number of these cases will really start to explode,” former US Food and Drug Administration Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC on Friday.

The virus can be addressed by targeting mitigation measures on a state-by-state basis, he said, but the United States is not currently doing so, and lack of intervention accumulates into the future, causing problems in December and January. Said that it could cause.

“It’s not just the case. It’s also the hospitalization. That’s a really remarkable number: 53,000 are hospitalized and 10,500 are in the ICU. It’s a lot and growing very fast.”

According to the Covid Tracking Project, 16 states reported record-high Covid-19 hospitalizations on Friday, and 22 states so far reported at least one record-high coronavirus hospitalization in November.

According to Johns Hopkins, the number of cases worldwide exceeded 50 million on Sunday morning, with the United States, India, Brazil and Russia being the hardest hit, accounting for more than half of the cases.

The total number of cases in the United States is approaching 10 million, but in Texas alone it is approaching 1 million, with more than 5,000 reported on Sunday.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown said on Sunday that the state had exceeded 50,000 “warning standards.”

Fauci: Stick to science, not politics

The pandemic will soon become Joe Biden’s main concern in the presidential election. He plans to announce the 12 Coronavirus Task Forces on Monday, two sources with knowledge of the announcement told CNN.

Biden’s Task Force is headed by three co-chairs, including former Surgeon President Dr. Vivek Mercy, former Commissioner of Food and Drugs Dr. David Kessler, and Yale University Dr. Marcella Nunez Smith.

Gottlieb told CBS that Biden would steer at the “top” of the pandemic.

Dr. Megan Ranney, an emergency physician at Brown University, said Biden was optimistic about the transition plan to lead the country’s response, but by the time he took office, the virus was “a community across the United States. It’s widespread in the United States. “

“We’re heading for the worst of this pandemic,” Lanny told CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield, adding that he was concerned about the upcoming social gathering from late November to early December. ..

“We’re trying to see all these little epidemics across the country crossing and mixing. It’s going to be like pouring petrol into the fire,” she said. ..

At a virtual event with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases on Saturday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, instructed him to stick to science, evidence, and data when making coronavirus recommendations. I advised a doctor who plays a key role.

“Keep being completely apolitic. Focus on your work as a scientist and doctor, not on the political side,” Forch said. “You do that, you’ll be fine.”

Health experts have been working to combat skepticism about coronavirus vaccines and recommendations after occasional conflicts with political leaders.

Gottlieb said on Sunday that President Donald Trump’s administration needs a more aggressive strategy to combat the coronavirus between now and January. In an interview with CBS, Biden also suggested working with the National Governors Association to develop national policy and “coordinate different states to make them look like a more cohesive plan.” ..

“We’ve been politically discussing what I think is a false dichotomy. It’s actually a blockade and no blockade choice, it’s not,” Gottlieb said, “Face the Nation.” I told him.

“This virus cannot be completely controlled. It is a contagious virus. It will spread, but it needs to spread at a level and rate that will begin to put pressure on the health care system that we are seeing. No, “he told the show.

The Biden Transition Team listed the pandemic as the first item on its website, 250 for free and reliable testing, more protective equipment, clear guidance, regaining relationships with the World Health Organization, vaccine manufacturing and distribution. Promised a $ 100 million plan. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will lead a task force to address the racial and ethnic disparities that emerged during the pandemic.

The team also promises Musk’s mission, but in collaboration with the governor and mayor, “By asking the American people to do their best, it will reach that: step up in times of crisis. “Is called.

“Age, experience, better medicine” influences mortality

Although deaths are increasing, deaths appear to be declining, Fauci said due to “age, experience, and better medicine.”

As with all illnesses, medical professionals will learn more about the virus as it progresses, such as when to put people on a ventilator, Forch said Saturday.

“We are only good at treating people,” he said. “You (know) what works. You know what goes wrong, including only the basic non-pharmacological approach.”

He said the use of treatments that can help people, such as dexamethasone and remdesivir, is also developing.

He also said that the return of college students to school and further infections also affected mortality. Compared to spring, those who are infected now are “almost 10 years younger than they are now.”

“Ultimately, they will infect people in the community, but they are causing a kind of infection,” Forch said.

Covid’s symptoms persist “far beyond expectations”

As researchers learn more about the virus, they are aware that the effects can be dragged, Forch said.

Some patients report that symptoms persist after a negative coronavirus infection.

“We are absolutely convinced that we have a post-Covid-19 infection syndrome, which is sometimes called long Covid, chronic Covid, long carrier,” Fauci said at the AMA event. I did.

“We’re looking at different percentages, with 25-35% or more having some protracted symptoms, which far exceeds the symptoms expected after a viral syndrome such as the flu,” he said. Told.

Symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle aches, sleep disorders, and what is called “brain fog.”

“So there’s no doubt that it’s happening, it can last anywhere from weeks to months,” he said, and added that it could be longer. , But before it was unknown as a new virus was discovered for less than a year.

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