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How does Nipah virus spread from bats to humans through food? What are the symptoms and how to prevent them?


Nipah virus is transmitted from bats.


  • Recent studies have revealed the causes behind the outbreak of Nipah virus.
  • Date palms and mangoes have been found to be carriers.
  • Here are some expert tips to prevent the virus.

Every winter, Nipah virus spreads from bats to humans, centering on “Nipah belt” that spreads along the western border with India in Bangladesh. The virus NiV encephalitis is known to have a mortality rate of over 70%. In 2018, Nipah virus killed many people in Kerala. And this year, concerns about its outbreak are once again widespread. However, the causes and modes of food-borne transmission of the virus from bats to humans have been detected.

The EcoHealth Alliance, an organization that studies animal, environmental and human health on a global scale, has published six years of research in its journal.Proceedings of the United States Academy of Sciences.

Researchers wanted to understand how the outbreak began and how to prevent it. Consumption of cultivated food resources contaminated with fruit bat excreta, such as Malaysian mango and Bangladesh and date palm sap (consumed as food and juice) in northeastern India, is a major cause of spillover to pigs and people. Has been identified as. In Bangladesh, humans occur almost every year from November to April, which matches the sap of raw date palms in “Nipaverto”.

“The outbreak of flying foxes is caused by an increase in population density, loss of immunity over time, and recurrence of the virus, indicating a multi-year inter-epidemic period, although the incidence is low. , Bats can carry NiV throughout Bangladesh and shed the virus at any time, emphasizing the importance of the timing and location of human NiV outbreaks, “said Jonathan H. Epstein, lead author of the study. Said.


(Read again: Vitamin D sufficiency may help accelerate the recovery of coronavirus patients.6 foods to eat)



Date palm fruits are known to carry the Nipah virus.

World Health Organization (WHO) Listed more prominent signs and symptoms of the virus-

Early symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches (muscle pain), vomiting, and sore throat. This is followed by neurological signs of dizziness, drowsiness, changes in consciousness, and acute encephalitis. Some people may also experience severe respiratory problems, including atypical pneumonia and acute respiratory distress. Encephalitis and seizures occur in severe cases and progress to coma within 24-48 hours.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) I suggest some precautions-

1. Thoroughly wash and peel the fruit before consuming to remove any possible contamination from the fruit bat.

2. Boil and cool the freshly picked date palm juice before drinking.

3. Use a protective cover to prevent bats from accessing date palm sap and other fresh fruit products.

4. Avoid ingesting organs such as the lungs, respiratory tract, brain, lymph nodes, and kidneys that are known to affect infected pigs in the affected or at-risk areas.

5. Do not handle, slaughter, prepare or consume meat or animal products derived from sick or dead animals of unknown cause.

6. Do not consume raw meat or uncooked foods based on animal blood. With the exception of bats, healthy wildlife and livestock meat are safely cooked and eaten safely.

About Neha GroverHer love for reading evoked her writing instinct. Neha is guilty of firmly fixing something containing caffeine. When she isn’t pouring a nest of thoughts on the screen, she can watch her reading over a cup of coffee.


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