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Vitamin D deployed to vulnerable people in the UK as COVID-19 protection: Report


The UK Government is expected to commission a clinical trial to further investigate the association between COVID-19 and vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D deployed to vulnerable people in the UK as COVID-19 protection: Report

Low vitamin D levels can interfere with the immune system. Vitamin D can reduce inflammation and stimulate the release of antibacterial proteins that kill viruses and bacteria.

The UK government is said to have finalized a deployment plan to distribute vitamin D to the most vulnerable groups. This is because emerging science suggests a role as a supplement to reduce the risk of vitamin D mortality. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears , According to British media reports.

The minister is believed to be planning to supply vitamins directly to residents of UK care facilities and the elderly, who are considered clinically very vulnerable to the deadly virus, for four months. I will. This move follows a similar move by the Scottish Government. The Sunday Telegraph report.

“We are certainly investigating the possible beneficial effects of vitamin D … we will soon update the House of Representatives,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently told the House of Representatives in response to a question about supplements. It was.

The government has commissioned clinical trials COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears And vitamin D deficiency.

“I asked scientists to revisit the effects of vitamin D on resistance and immunity. There is some up-to-date evidence revealed in the last few weeks that it has been fully considered. I would like to confirm, “British Health Minister Matt Hancock told MP last month.

Many studies have shown that poor vitamin D levels are associated with a higher risk of death from Coronavirus .. Vitamins help the body maintain normal levels of calcium and phosphate and keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy. It is naturally produced by the body when in contact with the sun.

Starting next month, vitamin D supplements will be delivered to more than 2 million clinically highly vulnerable people, along with all care facility residents across the UK.

This supply is intended to continue during the winter, when the National Health Service (NHS) has already recommended that people consider taking vitamins.

“We intend to give people who need vitamin D the most access to a free supply during the winter. Some studies have had a positive impact on people suffering from vitamin D supplementation. Suggests that it may be given COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears The newspaper quoted a statement from a government source.

Following the first blockade in the UK, Dr. Alison Tedstone, Chief Nutritionist for British Public Health Services, recommended that everyone take a “Sunshine Supplement” to spend more time at the door. ..

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