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Seven fathers die just months after being diagnosed with a tongue-pulled shock cancer

Seven fathers die just months after being diagnosed with a tongue-pulled shock cancer
Seven fathers die just months after being diagnosed with a tongue-pulled shock cancer


Seven healthy fathers died just months after the doctor was diagnosed with shock cancer, which required 90% of the tongue to be removed.

Alan Birch, 37, lived an active lifestyle without drinking or smoking until she was diagnosed with oral cancer in 2018.

Morton’s father in Merseyside received severe radiation and chemotherapy and had 90% of his tongue removed in the fight against the disease.

However, the cancer continued to recur, and experts gave the family sad news. There is nothing more they can do.

Alain died in April this year, and his wife, Debbie McDonough, is now bravely talking about his illness in the hope of saving his life.

Talk to echo, Debbie said: “It’s a good idea to keep track of your dentist’s appointments to notice the warning signs for mouth and tongue cancer.

After Alain died in April, his “lovely wife and beautiful children” were mourned and praised.
(Image: Liverpool Echo / WS)

“Always be careful, especially if you have an ulcer for more than two weeks. If you have any concerns, don’t think you’re wasting your appointment. It’s better to be safe than to regret. Let’s do it. “

Just a few weeks before his death, Alain and Debbie got married at a moving ceremony attended by family and friends.

The very beloved dad was said to be a fun, affectionate and confident man, but treatment was sacrificed.

After two major surgeries on his tongue and cancer treatment, socialization became a major issue for Alain as he felt no one could understand him.

37-year-old Alan Birch lived a healthy and active lifestyle without drinking or smoking.
(Image: Liverpool Echo / WS)

He could no longer enjoy the food he once loved and had to liquidate everything.

But despite knowing that he had a short life, the merchant accepted his cruel fate with courage and dignity.

Cancer also had a serious mental health impact on Alain, who could no longer follow his deal and urged friends to rally and set up a crowdfunding page for their families. ..

More than 150 people attended his wedding to Debbie this year, when Alain’s illness had already progressed so far, he had to sit during the ceremony.

My loved ones were impressed by the service and watched with tears.

After the news of Alain’s death, he was flooded with compliments in mourning for his “lovely wife and beautiful children.”

Chantelle Hughes said, “Fly high, fight good, dedicate everything. Watch over your lovely wife and beautiful children. Take care of them until you meet again. Fly your highmates.”

November is Oral Cancer Behavior Month, which aims to promote a healthy lifestyle and early detection to combat the disease.

Oral cancer has more deaths per case than breast, cervical, and melanoma.

The disease is twice as common in men as in women, but more women are being diagnosed.

If detected early, the chances of survival are greatly improved.


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