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A brave mother, 21 years old, who delayed cancer treatment to give birth in Sheffield

A brave mother, 21 years old, who delayed cancer treatment to give birth in Sheffield
A brave mother, 21 years old, who delayed cancer treatment to give birth in Sheffield


A 21-year-old Erie Whitaker, who lives near Chesterfield in Bolsover, was diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkin lymphoma in October 2019. She was pregnant for 16 weeks and is now pregnant with an 8-month-old girl, Connie Marriott.

A 21-year-old woman who had a previous miscarriage decided to continue her pregnancy despite being advised to have an abortion.

A medical expert told Erie that it was unsafe to receive chemotherapy while she was expecting it, as the treatment could harm her unborn baby.

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< class="">< style="display:block;padding-top:75.4000%;"/>Ellie Whittaker, 21 years old
Ellie Whittaker, 21 years old

Bolsorber’s mom decided to continue her pregnancy and give birth before starting chemotherapy-giving her the opportunity to develop and worsen her illness.

Erie’s daughter, Connie, arrived at Sheffield’s Jessop Wing on March 18, 2020 by Caesarean section for £ 6,12 ounces, and a week later scan revealed that 21-year-old cancer had progressed to stage 3. became.

She then received 12 rounds of chemotherapy and was finally completely cleared two weeks after her final scan in October 2020.

Ellie said: “I didn’t have a chance to have an abortion on this planet.

“I kept my cancer away from my head and focused on Connie. I couldn’t wait to be a mom.

“One week after giving birth, I went to the scan and found that I was in stage 3.

“I’ve lived with it for a long time, so it’s strange that it’s finally gone-I can’t believe it.

“I don’t regret my decision, and I’m given the choice to make the same again.”

After a miscarriage in April 2019, her full-time mother began to weaken and developed a viral infection.

When a lump appeared on her neck, Erie went to a general practitioner and was examined in July 2019.

It was about the same time that Bolsober’s mother and her fiancé, Kieran Marriott, 22, realized they were expecting another baby.

She added: “I didn’t know I was pregnant, but the loss of my baby made me realize that I was ready to start a family.

“I was very tired and had a lot of chest infections. I thought I had recently lost my grandpa because of stress.

“I was so sleepy that I accidentally fell asleep at a meeting while working at the post office.

“When the lump appeared, the doctor thought it was tonsillitis, but I knew it was something else.”

Ellie was finally referred to the Royal Hospital of Chesterfield in August 2019 for a scan and subsequent biopsy of the lump.

In October 2019, when Erie was 16 weeks pregnant, she was diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkin lymphoma by the McMillan Cancer Unit.

“I had no other symptoms other than being tired. I couldn’t believe it,” Erie continued.

“The doctor recommended me to have an abortion because cancer treatment can cause problems for my baby.

“I didn’t mean to give up on her, so I decided to delay it.”

Erie was referred to Royal Haramshire Hospital and scanned every two weeks until she underwent a planned Caesarean section at week 37.

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