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One-third of UK fruits and vegetables are imported from climate-sensitive countries

One-third of UK fruits and vegetables are imported from climate-sensitive countries


Fruits and vegetables

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The UK’s fruit and vegetable supply is becoming increasingly dependent on imports from countries that are vulnerable to climate change. Nature food..

The study, led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), analyzed open source data on food trade from 1987 to 2013.They have a domestic contribution to the total fruit UK supply fell from 42% in 1987 to 22% in 2013, while fruit and vegetable imports from climate-sensitive countries increased from 20% in 1987 to 32% in 2013. ..

The team found that the variety of fruits and vegetables imported into the UK increased and that the variety of fruits and vegetables supplied to the UK market changed significantly. The popularity of tropical fruits is increasing, but the supply of traditional vegetables is significantly reduced.

In 1987, 21 crops accounted for the top 80% of fruits and vegetables supplied to the United Kingdom, increasing to 27 in 2000 and 34 in 2013. Pineapple supply increased from 0.9% to 1.4% of the total fruit and vegetable supply. And bananas went from 3% to 7.8% during this period.

Cabbage decreased from 7.5% in 1987 to 2.5% of the total supply of fruits and vegetables, peas decreased from 5.0% to 1.3%, and carrots decreased from 7.0% to 5.8%.

Given the expected trends in , Researchers say, increasing reliance on imports of fruits and vegetables from climate-sensitive countries can adversely affect the availability, prices and consumption of fruits and vegetables in the United Kingdom. .. Researchers have used a variety of indicators to assess a country’s vulnerability to current and future climate change. According to the analysis, the most affected groups are likely to be people from low-income households.

Fruits and vegetables are important elements of a healthy diet, but globally their consumption is well below current international dietary recommendations. In the UK, 30% of adults and 18% of children eat five parts of the recommended fruits and vegetables per day. Fruits and vegetables also generally have less environmental impact than animal-derived foods, and this dual contribution to health and sustainability is becoming increasingly recognized.

Dr. Pauline Sherbeek of the LSHTM Center for Climate Change and Planetary Health, who led the study, said: “The current UK trade patterns and climate change mean that the supply of fruits and vegetables in the UK is unsafe. Trade is therefore an important factor in the resilience of the food system, which is important information for policy makers. is.

“The growing reliance on imports of fruits and vegetables from climate-sensitive countries is, if not sufficient, Adaptation measures are taken in producing countries and can cause fruit and vegetable supply problems in the UK, affecting the prices and consumption of such foods. This can be a major challenge in efforts to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in the UK for both health and environmental reasons. “

Professor Alan Dungor, director of the LSHTM’s Center for Climate Change and Planetary Health, said: “It is very clear from the fundamental trends in food production and trade that Britain is increasingly dependent on climate-sensitive countries for its fruit supply. Vegetables. The government cannot ignore these trends. Otherwise, you will not be able to fulfill your original obligation to protect the people from future shocks. Build a system to ensure a healthy and sustainable diet for everyone. “

The researchers say the results are particularly important in light of several government-led programs such as the UK’s National Food Strategy, the UK’s National Decision Contribution, and the Obesity Strategy, as well as ongoing Brexit trade negotiations.

Dr. Pauline Scheelbeek said: “The impact of trade strategy vulnerabilities spans traditional policy silos such as diet, health, agriculture, economy and environment. Trade strategies need to be rethought to reduce reliance on climate-sensitive countries. Responsibly consider the potential to increase the consumption of sustainable growth Vegetables, including those produced in the United Kingdom. “

This study has some limitations. Published trade data relies on reports from countries with potentially different qualities.Index used for determination Vulnerabilities are modeled estimates and are determined at the national level. Vulnerabilities in certain areas of crop production may not be the same as the national average.

Studies show a global need to produce more fruits and vegetables

For more information:
Scheelbeek, PFD, Moss, C., Kastner, T. et al. The UK’s fruit and vegetable supply is increasingly dependent on imports from climate-sensitive producing countries. Nut hood 1,705–712 (2020).

Quote: One-third of UK fruits and vegetables are imported from climate-sensitive countries (November 9, 2020) and on November 9, 2020 Obtained from -uk-fruit-vegetables-imported-climate-. Vulnerability.html

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