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Discovery of new genes in SARS-CoV-2 raises expectations for antiviral therapy


Researchers have discovered a new gene for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19. It hopes to provide important information about its unique biological composition and offer new possibilities for antiviral treatment.

A new peer-reviewed study by an international team led by Chase W. Nelson, a postdoctoral fellow at Academia Sinica in Taiwan, and Zakelly Ardan, a junior group leader at Technische Universität München, has been published in the eLife Scientific Journal today.

It reveals a new gene in the SARS-CoV-2 genome that the scientific community had previously overlooked because it overlaps with another unrelated gene known as ORF3b. A new gene, now called ORF3d, is also found in the scale armor that grows naturally in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southern China.

“Because this is a novel gene that has recently evolved, it is a good candidate to explain some of the unique biological attributes of the virus. The genome has only about 15 genes in total, which can make a big difference. There is, “explained Dr. Nelson.

The paper points out that duplication genes (OLGs) were previously associated with the emergence of pandemic strains. One of the most notable examples in recent years is the presence of OLG in the HIV-1 strain, which scientists are still investigating.

A new study shows that ORF3d is a new protein required for the infectious process that is not present in the genome of the original Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Sars), which caused a fatal outbreak between 2002 and 2004, or other related viruses. Shows to make. ..

For researchers, one of the most important applications of discovery is to prevent false inferences and achieve more accurate results as the global scientific community continues to investigate potentially deadly virus behavior. It is useful to do.

“As a result, this gene we are investigating is in fact completely unique to SARS-CoV-2, and therefore to investigate its pandemic potential, or perhaps how it interferes with the immune system. People should recognize that they are the best candidates, “Dr. Nelson said.

The report concludes that the findings provide “strong clues to further research,” including “immunological properties” that may give rise to more treatment options.

“For 3D, one of the possible therapeutic uses is that there may be effective antiviral drugs that target it in critical cases,” said Dr. Nelson.

“In another observation, the 3d protein causes one of the most potent antibody reactions in human infections. That is, two things are established. First, it is translated into a protein, so it is Make the product, and secondly, the antibody targets it very effectively. “

Researchers emphasize that one pandemic virus carries a new gene, which neither method provides evidence of whether the pandemic was the current pandemic reservoir.

They also point out that the unexpected appearance of duplicate genes adds evidence contrary to the conspiracy theory that the virus was manipulated in the laboratory.


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