Texas prisons and prisons were horrific vectors of the coronavirus
For several months Defenders of people living in prisons Prisons claim that state leaders need to take drastic action to save lives. And for months, those calls haven’t been Report released by Lyndon B. Johnson Graduate School of Public Affairs The University of Texas at Austin details the impact of Texas in failing to address the coronavirus crisis, especially in state and county prisons.
As the country rounds 10 months mark Within the outbreak of the coronavirus, the public health crisis has become very clear to abuse people with the least access to resources or means to follow the guidance set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Most states, including Texas, have taken time to implement public health practices, but the UT report outlines the fatal consequences of delays in safety protocols. Especially in prison.. According to the report, “In Texas prisons, more people are infected with COVID than any other prison system in the United States.” The number of individuals who died as a result of COVID-19 infection is disastrous. : From March to October 4, the time range investigated by the UT, 231 people, including 27 staff, died in Texas prisons and prisons alone.
Still, that number probably represents an underestimate. [incarcerated] People died without being tested for COVID, and some died of pre-existing medical conditions exacerbated by COVID, “the report said, and these deaths were reported as COVID-19 deaths. It was revealed that there was no such thing. It is evenly distributed throughout the Texas facility. In one unit, the coronavirus, which is about 1 in 18 people, killed about 6% of the total population imprisoned in five months. Throughout the county prison, about 80% of those who died had not yet been convicted of a crime and were detained under “pretrial detention.”
The fatal consequences are not surprising to supporters.So Texas Tribune report In June, prison officials neglected to provide personal protective equipment to imprisoned people, shuffling them regardless of who was symptomatic, and sometimes by spraying bleach directly on imprisoned people. The cells were “disinfected”. Dustin Hawkins, 32, imprisoned in Harris County, Tribune In the letter, “This is a constant shuffle of the criminal. The criminal has been moved to the sick cell block and has not been tested. Then it has been tested and confirmed to be positive, and several others. After being exposed to that virus, they are moved to another cell block. “Another imprisoned person makes it more obvious. Letter to Tribune: “Here they seem to be trying to make us sick.”
That view is shared by researchers at the Brennan Center for Justice, a think tank at New York University. “By failing to act [Texas Gov. Greg] Abbott has basically sentenced people in and around Texas prisons to death, “the Brennan Center wrote. American Public Health Association believes Prisons are themselves in public health crisis due to the risks posed by the coronavirus.
But prison officials, as expected, disagree. An official at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) rejected the overall message of the UT report’s findings, claiming that the state deserves more credit for its efforts. “The report seeks to capture the effects of the virus on the prison population, but what is strikingly lacking is the discussion of TDCJ’s first sustained and aggressive mass asymptomatic testing campaign in the country.” TDCJ spokesman Jeremy Desel said. Told the Associated Press.. But if 6% of all prisons are dying, the time of defense is probably over.
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