This 21-year-old student has created a disability face mask for use in the Covid-19 pandemic.
With the Covid-19 pandemic raging around the world, most of us make sure that all sections of our population are secure and secure enough to go through these difficult times I’m thinking about checking. But college student Ashley Lawrence did not forget about a particular section of the disabled.
A senior at Eastern Kentucky University is studying education for the deaf and when she sees on Facebook making fresh masks that others wear instead of disposable masks, She wondered how hearing-impaired and deaf people had dealt with it because most face masks covered their mouths and did not allow lip reading.
When she was teaching students at home for a coronavirus pandemic, she noticed that most were now panicking and many were not considered.
“I felt like there was a large population being watched,” Lawrence told Lex18 in an interview.
Thus, while quarantined at home, she and her mother demonstrated crafting skills, especially to create face masks for the deaf and hard of hearing.
They use their own sheets to create the face mask and use the entire roll of plastic they had if they needed plastic fabric for small windows in the mouth area of the face mask to facilitate lip reading. did. This meant that they did not need supplies immediately.
Ashley Lawrence, a 21-year-old college student, creates a deaf face mask to protect Covid-19 (Photo: Twitter / @ William_Wear_Co)
Why did Ashley decide to make a different face mask for the deaf?
The main reason that hearing-impaired or deaf people cannot use most of the usual face masks for Covid-19 protection is to use hearing aids or hearing aids that make it difficult or impossible for most people to wrap the face mask around their ear Because we use.
Therefore, they are trying designs that can wrap the head and neck of a person.
In addition, American Sign Language, used in the hearing-impaired and hearing-impaired communities, is very emotional in that facial expressions are part of the grammar. It was also necessary to keep one’s mouth in sight and allow others to read the lips.
Therefore, providing a plastic window in the lip area to ensure that you did not miss others’ facial expressions was essential for face masks.
So, Ashley and her mother are experimenting with new designs to create face masks for different disability communities that can help address all these points.
Face masks for the deaf and hard of hearing (Photo: Twitter / @ William_Wear_Co)
How can I get one of Ashley’s face masks for the deaf?
The best part is that 21-year-old college students do not charge for these face masks, which are provided free of charge. She believes that if anyone needed such a face mask during the Covid-19 outbreak, they should not feel they need to pay for them.
However, international orders may incur shipping costs.
Ashley face masks are in high volume orders from other states in the United States. You can order another handicapped face mask at: [email protected].
If you want to donate material costs to her, you can also check her GoFundMe page.
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