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Made-in-Alberta tents protect healthcare professionals from COVID-19 aerosols

Made-in-Alberta tents protect healthcare professionals from COVID-19 aerosols


Invented in Edmonton, the special tent is designed to keep healthcare professionals safe and working.

Emergency physician Mark Curial recognized the need for this device shortly after a COVID-19 case struck Edmonton in the spring. He had inserted a respiratory tract into the patient’s trachea when he realized how “unprotected” he was.

“I didn’t shave that day, so the mask didn’t fit, so I … I feel the air leaking from the sides,” Curial told Global News.

“And all the while I’m thinking,’What am I going to bring back to my family?’

He contacted his longtime friend mechanical engineer Chris Terriff and brainstormed the solution. Five months later, their team MACH32 Aerosol Containment TentIs distributed to hospitals throughout Canada.

The plastic tent uses suction and a HEPA filter to remove COVID-19-infected droplets from the air.

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“(The tent) contains aerosols that are produced during the procedure and pulled out (they) through a HEPA filter, which is then filtered to an efficiency of 99.97 percent,” says Terriff.

“In fact, the concept is to build a portable negative pressure area above the patient’s head — and we built it.”

Aerosol production procedures such as intubation, biPAP, and ventilation can spray particles up to 10 meters away. They can remain infectious for up to 3 hours. Due to that risk, the hospital has stopped several steps.

read more: Aerosol diffusion of coronavirus emphasizes the importance of avoiding the “three Cs”: Tam

“I haven’t used biPAP since COVID (-19) started. And this is a technique that makes people better and faster. Instead of sending them to ICU (using biPAP) You can send it to the regular medical floor, “explains Curial.

The tent is portable and allows patients to be safely moved into the hospital. Also, any room may be transformed into a negative pressure isolation room.

“So, whether it’s a hotel or a gymnasium … if you need to build a temporary field hospital, these are basically taken out and portable enough to be used on any bed in the facility,” he said. Terry leaf.

Mr. Curial said his emergency department has been understaffed since the pandemic began. Many doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists and cleaning staff have been forced to quarantine after exposure to COVID-19. He points out that all patients, whether they have a broken leg or a heart attack, feel the effects of delayed procedures.

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Curial described the hospital environment as “long hours, lack of resources, and high risk.”

“People’s tensions are rising,” he said. “And we are trying to help with that.”

Disposable tent parts cost less than $ 100. Both Curial and Terriff are proud of their Canadian-made solutions and hope they will become the standard treatment for hospitals across the country.

“We use parts entirely sourced from Canadian manufacturers and distributors, use (Edmonton) manufacturers, and take people from oil and gas … construction and metal work, and they We will put it into a healthcare project. ” Curial.

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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