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Flu facts by experts


Autumn is the beginning of the flu season. In other words, it’s the right time to start thinking about protecting yourself. The flu virus is active all year, but more people Fall and winter Months more than at any other time.

Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by one or more strains of the influenza virus. Many of us have caught it many times in our lives and have confirmed that it comes and goes within weeks and has little need for medical care. However, if an aggressive strain of the virus occurs and spreads to densely populated areas, the flu can be a public health crisis.

At the peak of the flu season, the disease is especially fatal, killing thousands of Americans— 4,000 per week in 2017,To be exact. This includes individuals with pre-existing conditions that have been exacerbated by the virus, such as bacterial pneumonia or congestive heart failure.

Here are some simple facts to keep in mind in this flu season and some tips to avoid infection.

  1. Prone to flu. People are often exposed to the virus by encountering someone with the flu even in the early stages before symptoms begin to appear. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), small droplets of liquid released into the air by sneezing, coughing, or speaking can spread the influenza virus. People infected with the flu are most susceptible to transmission during the first three to four days of the disease, but can transmit the disease for nearly a week.
  2. Exposure to the virus need not be direct. Picking up the flu virus from a surface or object recently touched by a sick person (for example, by grabbing the same door handle in a restaurant or using the same pen at work) can remove it from direct human contact Would be less than catching. But before touching your mouth, nose and eyes wash hands It can give the virus what it needs most to thrive, that is, access to the respiratory system.
  3. The flu can behave like any other disease. Many of us are unaware that we have the flu until the symptoms worsen. Unfortunately, its late implementation helps the flu spread more quickly. The flu is also helped by its ability to mimic other common diseases that work in the nose, throat, and lungs. For example, if you are susceptible to allergies or ear infections, you may be more likely to treat the flu symptoms with over-the-counter drugs than seeking professional treatment. The flu usually appears more suddenly than a cold or sinus infection, and the symptoms often spread more quickly. The flu can cause fever, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting, in addition to cough, sore throat, and runny nose.
  4. The risk from flu may be higher than you are aware of. Many people recognize that children under the age of five, people over the age of sixty-five, and children with compromised immune systems are more susceptible to serious illness when they get the flu. However, women Big risk during pregnancy And two weeks after birth. Influenza can exacerbate chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and lung disease. People with liver, kidney, or metabolic disorders also face an increased risk of complications from the virus.
  5. You don’t need to have the fever to get the flu. Some patients, especially the elderly, patients on immunosuppressive drugs and certain medications, may not have a fever with influenza. If you know that you are at high risk of experiencing the complications of this disease, even if you have no fever, consult your doctor if you feel unwell during the flu season.
  6. During the flu season, doctors may diagnose the flu and decide to treat it with antivirals without performing a virus test. This is because rapid diagnostic tests for some types of flu are not as accurate as others. Your doctor may decide to treat you for the flu based on your symptoms and their clinical judgment. Keep in mind that the flu can quickly progress to a serious illness, even if you haven’t had serious symptoms yet, especially if you are in a high-risk group. Aggressive treatment may be needed to avoid complications. “ Antivirals are most effective when started within the first two days of the disease, but two days, especially when hospitalized, severe, or in a group at high risk of complications from influenza infection. It’s also good to start later, “said Christie Columbus, MD, MD, head of infection at Baylor University Medical Center, which is part of Baylor Scott & White Health.
  7. Getting the flu shot is your best defense. Doctors recommend that you get vaccinated as soon as possible in the fall and before the flu epidemic is in full swing. Last year’s severe flu season may have peaked from December to February, but began in early October. Even vaccines that are less than 50% effective can save lives. People who get the flu after receiving the vaccine are less likely to have serious symptoms or get worse until they need to be hospitalized. Perhaps more important, however, is that vaccination helps promote what scientists call Herd immunity. According to John Joseph II, MD, MD, a medical doctor at Baylor Scott and White Clinic’s medical staff: “When a high percentage of communities are vaccinated against communicable diseases such as influenza, most members of the community are protected because they have little opportunity for outbreaks. So that individuals who do not have access to the vaccine will have some protection. “

For more information on how to protect yourself from seasonal flu, see: Baylor Scott and White Health Website.

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