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Measles has taken revenge in the last few years

Measles has taken revenge in the last few years


Measles has taken revenge around the world in recent years, eradicating the sharp decline in incidents seen since the beginning of the new century.

From 2000 to 2016, the number of measles cases reported worldwide plummeted from 853,479 to 132,490.Case Started to rise again afterwards (SN: 11/30/18). Reported in 2019 The highest number of 869,770 people since 1996 suffered from measles, According to a study by the World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, published online on November 12. Weekly morbidity and mortality reports..

Globally, the estimated death toll from measles in 2019 was 207,500, an increase of nearly 50% from 2016.

“Because we have been vaccinated with safe and effective measles since the early 1960s, this is a very important and tragic setback,” said William, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Moss says. In the report. “We have made great strides.”

The measles vaccine is a public health superstar, with two recommended doses about 97% effective and a single dose about 93% effective. To stop the outbreak About 95% of the community You need to be vaccinated (SN: 4/15/19).

Overall, measles is infecting more people due to stagnant progress in expanding vaccination coverage, and is a senior adviser to WHO’s measles and rubella control in Geneva. Co-author Natasha Crowcroft said. Globally, the estimated coverage of the first dose of measles vaccine increased from 72% to 84% between 2000 and 2010, but has since leveled off from about 84% to 85%.

This is “high enough to delay measles or interrupt it for a period of time, but it inevitably leads to the accumulation of sensitive children, which eventually results in measles,” Crowcroft said. Says. In 2019, 19.8 million babies had not received the first measles vaccine. Reasons for poor coverage vary by region, but she says primary health care systems and weak access are the main factors.

Outbreaks occurred in nine countries: Central African Republic, Congo, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, North Macedonia, Samoa, Tonga and Ukraine, accounting for 73% of the reported 2019 cases. This study focuses on issues that have struck some of these countries.Very in Congo and Madagascar Low vaccination rate (((SN: 4/24/19). In Samoa, a medical malpractice occurred when vaccinated in 2018, and more people avoided the measles vaccine after the deaths of their two babies. In Ukraine Lack of confidence in vaccines This is one of the reasons why few people are vaccinated by health care workers (SN: 5/21/19).

WHO groups the world into six regions. All of them were suffering from measles. In the Americas, 19,244 cases of measles were reported in 2019, with outbreaks in Brazil and the United States last year. Almost lost the claim that I lost measles (((SN: 12/16/19). In 2019, 618,595 people in Africa and 105,755 in Europe are reported to have measles.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic may increase future challenges in the reign of measles. “Given all the issues that led to 2019, we’re not starting from a strong foundation,” says Crowcroft. Discontinuation of vaccination programs can widen the immunity gap to measles and increase the risk of development. She says that the financial difficulties posed by the pandemic also increase malnutrition, which exacerbates the illness. Vitamin A deficiency in particular is associated with severe measles. “These issues tend to be concentrated in the same community, worsening the overall effect and increasing injustice.”

Crowcroft and her co-authors increase the number of children receiving the recommended two measles vaccinations, and giving catch-up vaccinations to children who missed the shot regains control of measles. Here are some of the actions needed to do this. “Creating a strong vaccination program requires a lot of careful work and support at multiple levels in the country,” she says.

Ultimately, it may be possible to spread vaccinations around the world with the help of Vaccine patch (((SN: June 28, 2017). A single-dose patch contains a series of small “needle” filled or coated with vaccine. In some cases, the needle will melt into the skin.In animal experiments, patches Effective as a measles vaccine delivery device.. According to Moss, patches do not have the same cold storage requirements as syringe-based measles vaccines, and adhesive-lined patches can be administered with minimal training.

“It’s still a few years away,” he says. However, being able to patch and vaccinate children “may really help change and increase measles vaccination rates.”

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