Early metabolic function associated with type 2 diabetes susceptibility
Editors: David L. Joffe, BSPharm, CDE, FACA
Author: Bernice Ford, 2021 PharmD Candidate, Florida University of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Pharmacy
The likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes can be detected early through an assessment of specific metabolic functions..
Insulin is a pancreatic hormone that is released when serum glucose levels rise and occurs after food intake. When insulin is secreted, it binds to insulin receptors on the cell surface, allowing glucose to enter the cell and be used for energy throughout the body. Suppose an inadequate amount of insulin is produced or the body becomes resistant to this insulin production. In that case, glucose enters the cells and cannot accumulate in the bloodstream, leading to type 2 diabetes.
Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is predominant among middle-aged and older individuals.This is not a state of maturity overnight; It takes time to evolve.There is compelling evidence Signs of susceptibility to the disease Can be seen for about 50 years Previous Clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.Increased familiarity with early signs and symptoms Patient and healthcare provider opportunities Intervene before the disease progresses To bear harm. Diabetes Care, the journal of the American Diabetes Association, recently published a study revealing primitive signs that may appear years before the diagnosis of diabetes. dDiabetes is being made.
A research team at the University of Bristol conducted a survey in the United Kingdom. Blood samples were taken from more than 4,760 study participants aged 16, 18, and 25 years. Researchers evaluated the effect of genetic predisposition to developing type 2 diabetes in adulthood on metabolic measurements taken from early childhood blood samples. An approach called “metabolomics” was used to combine information about genetics. Metabolomics measured a large number of small molecules in serum samples to characterize early-onset type 2 diabetes. The study, conducted in a young population free of type 2 diabetes and other chronic illnesses, thoroughly analyzed how quickly adults became vulnerable to developing diabetes. The effects of subtle differences in metabolism refer to the tendency of these young patients to develop type 2 diabetes later in life, without implying that they already have adult diabetes.
The association of type 2 diabetes negligence was most pronounced at age 8 years, with low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) subtype lipids.Citrate, glycoprotein acetyl, and preglycemic The attributes were more pronounced at age 16.Amino acids with branched chains were predominantnt At the age of 18. The association has been greatly strengthened– –Low– –Density lipoprotein (VLDL) lipids remained constant in serum samples taken at 25 years with previously altered properties (including HDL lipids).
The researchers in this cohort study aimed to uncover the premature metabolic functions that make up the responsibility for type 2 diabetes.The results obtained from this study revealed that disrupted HDL lipid metabolism was one of the earliest. markerSensitivity to type 2 diabetes in adulthood More important Branched chain amino acids and levels of inflammation.
Pearl practice:
- The clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is most often made in middle-aged adults.
- Abnormal HDL lipid metabolism, high amino acids with branched chains, and inflammatory levels are metabolic measurements associated with type 2 diabetes susceptibility in adulthood.
- These early signs of type 2 diabetes susceptibility are found in 8-year-old patients.
Bell JA, Bull CJ, Gunter MJ, etc. Early metabolic characteristics of genetic responsibility for type 2 diabetes:
A cohort study of repeated metabolomics in early childhood. Diabetes treatment. April 2020: dc192348. Doi: 10.2337 / dc19-2348
Bernice Ford, 2021 PharmD Candidate, Florida University of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Pharmacy
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