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Herd immunity can end the pandemic before the vaccine arrives in India. COVID vaccine is still in use


In an interview with IANS, AIIMS director Landeep Grelia may reach a stage of full immunity, and people may feel that their immunity has improved and the vaccine is no longer useful. Said not. He added that if the virus does not mutate or cause changes, people may not consider vaccination themselves again, after which the use of the vaccine will be reduced.

In addition, by the end of 2021 or 2022, by the time vaccines were readily available, people would have developed immunity to the virus, Grelia said. “There are two problems. It’s a pandemic, so if you have a vaccine and you can give priority to high-risk or high-risk groups, you can quickly reduce and reduce the number of cases and deaths. Number of. “

The director of AIIMS said vaccination is still needed without completely eliminating the idea of ​​how the virus changes and the risk of reinfection. Researchers are currently investigating how often individuals need vaccines.

What is herd immunity? Is it effective against coronavirus?

Is Herd Immunity Effective Against Coronavirus?

“If herd immunity is good, whether necessary or not, there will be significant investment in vaccine dosage and production, and the vaccine industry is very concerned that demand may decline. , This is a big challenge, “Grelia told IANS.

Long-term side effects of COVID-19

Even if people overcome COVID-19 infection through treatment or immunity, the virus has long-term side effects. However, COVID-19 remains part of the coronavirus family and raises the issue of post-recovery patient health complications.

“This was the first pandemic of this scale due to the coronavirus, and the previous pandemic was due to the influenza virus. What we are aware of with this coronavirus from bats, a new virus. This virus is respiratory. Although it causes infections, the virus attaches to the ACE2 receptor, a receptor found in many organs in the body, causing swelling of blood vessels, which can cause a myocardium if they are in the heart. There is damage to the muscles of the heart. It increases the likelihood of coagulation and causes a stroke. This virus can cause so-called long bats. Like most viral infections, when it comes to serious problems. Is an unexpected post-flu bark. It tends to recover and people have a few days of post-virus infection effects that are okay after that, “Guleria explained.

Indian coronavirus update

COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appearsReuters

He further stated that the government is working on post-COVID clinics at the district level and at medical colleges to provide overall support to post-COVID patients. The government is considering supportive care, medication, yoga, allopathy, and even Ayurvedic medicine.

During his interview, Guleria quickly dismissed the BCG vaccine and its efficacy based on an international study that proved a lack of benefit to the vaccinated people.

“Recent trials under ICMR tend to show that there may be some benefit, but currently few elderly groups are vaccinated. In India, multicentric Two trials have been conducted: BCG vaccine for the elderly and others are BCG vaccines for the younger age group with comorbidities. In theory, it may be more beneficial, but for all older people More data is needed to say that the BCG booster dose is worth vaccination, “Grelia concludes.


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