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Ranking the 10 most dangerous states to visit now

Ranking the 10 most dangerous states to visit now
Ranking the 10 most dangerous states to visit now


Traveling in the United States is becoming a dangerous gambling day by day as the country continues Break the record for new Covid-19 cases..

However, not all hotspots generate the same level of heat.Even as Coronavirus spreads like a wildfireIt may be helpful to identify which region of the country is at highest risk and keep it away until the virus is controlled.

It is also helpful to monitor how the state handles or does not handle the crisis. Some governors have taken steps to curb the spread of the disease by imposing face mask obligations, curfew, quarantine protocols, and even restrictions in the form of shutdowns, but in other states (many). In the case of, the state with the highest case load) has achieved relatively few results.

A myriad of public health experts, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, said that the widespread face mask obligation is the most effective way for Americans to control the spread of the coronavirus. I said there is.

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So why are face masks required in some states and not in others? A A study published by the University of Washington in early September It turns out that the governor’s partisanship is an important deciding factor. “The most important predictor is whether the state is headed by the Republican governor,” the researchers write. “These states, if at all, were much slower to adopt their obligations.”

Two months after the report was published, the pattern continues. This is a state-by-state overview of the most dangerous states you are currently visiting and an overview of the current Covid-19 protocol.

1) South Dakota

Risk factor: No state-wide masking obligation-154.5 new daily cases per 10,000 people-58.8% of Covid tests are positive

Few governors are more rebellious than South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (Republican). The state is the epicenter of the Covid-19 infection. Mount Rushmore has recorded an astonishing 154.5 new Covids-on average, 19 cases per 100,000 people per week. According to Harvard Brown’s risk assessment tool.. States with more than 25 new daily cases per 100,000 are shown in red on the map. This means that it is considered “at a turning point”. South Dakota’s risk level is more than 500% above its threshold and is a breathtaking failure to manage the crisis.

Importantly, South Dakota has a positive rate of 58.8%, which is also the highest in the country. According to data from Johns Hopkins University.. This means that nearly 6 out of 10 Covid tests will return positive. According to the World Health Organization, the positive rate should ideally be less than 5%. To make matters worse, South Dakota has been positive for the past two weeks in a row, suggesting that the state is not close to being able to control the virus.

2) North Dakota

Risk factor: Brand New State-Wide Mask Mandate-100,000 New Daily Cases per 10,000 People-15.7% of Covid Tests Positive

Just yesterday, Republican Governor of North Dakota Doug Burgum agreed with pressure from public health experts and announced a month-long state-wide mask mission. If social distance is not possible, you should wear a mask in indoor business and public spaces, as well as in outdoor public spaces.

Bergham’s decision is based on the leadership of local officials who previously issued their own mask mandates on the two largest Native American reservations in Fargo, Bismarck, Grand Forks, Minot, and the state.

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North Dakota has an average of 141.4 new Covid-19 cases per 100,000, which is more than 465% higher than the “turning point” threshold.

The positive rate in North Dakota is 15.7%, more than three times what is considered safe. The positive rate has risen for the past two weeks in a row.

3) Iowa

Risk factor: No State-Wide Mask Obligations-100,000 New Daily Cases per 10,000 People-52.6% of Covid Tests Positive

During the pandemic, Republican Governor of Iowa Kim Reynolds categorically opposed the full mission of masks throughout the state, and also banned cities and counties from imposing their own mask rules.

Last week, Reynolds announced a new, watered-down face mask requirement that applies only to certain indoor social, community, recreational, or leisure gatherings with more than 25 participants. Mandate applies to certain activities such as parties, Thanksgiving gatherings, and wedding receptions. However, it does not apply to others, such as weddings or religious services.

Most notably, the Reynolds declaration does not apply to everyday businesses like restaurants (surveys show). The most dangerous activity during a pandemic), Retail stores and movie theaters. “You can still eat in restaurants. You can go to the movies and work out in the gym, but in many states you can’t,” Reynolds told reporters at a press conference. “Iowa is open to business and we intend to keep it that way.” The bar remains open throughout the state.

Last week, Iowa recorded an average of 135.8 new Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people. This is 443% higher than the “turning point” threshold.

The positive rate in Iowa is 52.6%, the third highest in the country, more than 10 times the rate considered safe. The positive rate has risen for the past two weeks in a row.

4) Wyoming

Risk factor: No state-wide masking obligation-125.8 new daily cases per 10,000 people-43.4% of Covid tests are positive

At a moving press conference last Friday, Republican Governor of Wyoming Mark Gordon said he was considering face mask requirements for the entire state. At some point during the press conference, Gordon spoke out and told the residents that he was angry and worried.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Gordon has eased the crisis by publishing recommendations rather than requirements. For example, salon and other personal care business patrons should wear masks “as much as possible.” Workers in gyms, recreational facilities, restaurants and bars should only wear masks if they come within 6 feet of the customer or other staff. The face cover is “recommended” for the general public. Instead of a state-wide mission, Gordon kicked a can to the local government.

Wyoming is currently collecting an average of 125.8 new Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people. This is 403% higher than the “turning point” threshold.

The positive rate in Wyoming is 43.4%, almost nine times the target of 5%. The positive rate has risen for the past two weeks in a row.

5) Wisconsin

Risk factor: Curfew-Complete State-wide Mask Obligation-112.9 New Daily Cases per 10,000 People-17.7% Positive in Covid Test

Last week, Democratic Governor of Wisconsin Tony Evers delivered a rare golden-time speech. New state-wide curfew.. His executive order encourages people to leave home only when needed, such as traveling to work, going to grocery stores, or replenishing prescriptions. Wisconsin has covered state-wide missions since the Evers emergency order came into force on August 1.

Wisconsin currently records an average of 112.9 new Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people, which is more than 350% above the “turning point” threshold.

The positive rate for Iowa is 17.7%, more than three times what seems safe. The positive rate has risen for the past two weeks in a row.

6) Nebraska

Risk factor: No State-Wide Mask Obligations-107.0 New Daily Cases per 100,000-14.2% of Covid Tests Positive

Republican Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts said yesterday at a news conference that he would not consider a state-wide mask mandate despite the growing Covid-19 crisis in the state. Instead, rickets introduced a new Directed Health Measure (DHM) that postpones non-urgent surgery. Rickets states that, depending on the charter law, individual cities can impose their own masking obligations, following in the footsteps of Omaha and Lincoln.

Last week, Nebraska recorded an average of 107 new Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people. This is 328% above the “turning point” threshold.

The positive rate for Nebraska is 14.2%, almost three times what is considered safe. The positive rate has risen for the past two weeks in a row.

7) Illinois

Risk factor: State-wide mask obligations-100.4 new daily cases per 100,000-13.2% of Covid tests positive

Last week, Democratic Governor of Illinois JB Pritzker warned that his state could be on the verge of closing again. Pritzker has extended the hosting of coronavirus-related executive orders, including face mask requirements, for another 30 days.

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Illinois is currently recording an average of 100.4 new Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people. This is four times the “turning point” threshold.

The positive rate is 13.2%, more than double the target. The positive rate has risen for the past two weeks in a row.

8) Minnesota

Risk factor: State-wide Mask Mandate-100,000 new daily cases per 10,000 people-14.2% of Covid tests positive

In Minnesota, masking obligations have been imposed throughout the state since late July. Last week, Democratic Governor Tim Walz announced a new set of restrictions. “I must be absolutely frank in Minnesota. The number of cases of coronavirus is on the rise,” Walz told reporters.

Today, private indoor and outdoor social gatherings in Minnesota can accommodate up to 3 to 10 people. Bars and restaurants are limited to 50% of the maximum capacity of 150 people, both indoors and outdoors. Meal service ends at 10 pm, but delivery can continue after that.

Last week, Minnesota recorded an average of 94 new Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people. This is more than 276% above the “turning point” threshold.

The positive rate for Minnesota is 14.2%, almost three times what is considered safe. The positive rate has risen for the past two weeks in a row.

9) Utah

Risk factor: State-wide Maskmandate-100,000 new daily cases per 10,000 people-17.8% positive for Covid test

Republican Utah Governor Gary Herbert issued an executive order last week that included state-wide mask requirements. It has replaced a county-level masking obligation system based on local Covid-19 infection rates. People need to cover their faces in public and whenever they are within 6 feet of someone in another household.

Utah currently records an average of 87.7 new Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people, which is 250% above the “turning point” threshold.

The positive rate in Utah is 17.8%, more than double the target. The positive rate has risen for the past two weeks in a row.

10) Kansas

Risk factor: Most Unenforced State-wide Mask Obligations-100,000 New Daily Cases per 10,000 People-58.7% of Covid Tests Positive

Yesterday, Sunflower State set another record yesterday for a new case of coronavirus. Correspondingly, some churches have stopped indoor services and even Topeka Zoo has tightened its rules.

Republican Governor of Kansas Laura Kelly issued an executive order on July 2 calling on Kansas over the age of five to wear a face cover in public. However, a Republican-controlled state legislature subsequently stripped her of her emergency powers and allowed the county to opt out of mandate. Currently, almost 80% of state counties are opting out.

Last week, Kansas recorded an average of 83.3 new Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people. This is a whopping 233% above the “turning point” threshold.

Kansas is currently in 10th place on the Covid leaderboard, but that position could rise in the coming weeks. The state’s positive rate is 58.7%, just behind South Dakota, almost six times the level considered safe. The positive rate has risen for the past two weeks in a row.

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