Los Angeles County has recorded the highest number of cases of coronavirus per day since suffering a surge in July.
Health officials in Los Angeles County confirmed 3,780 new cases of coronavirus on Saturday. This is the highest number of infections recorded per day since the surge of serious problems in July.
Incidence rates have risen steadily since Halloween, and advances in medicine and treatment over the past few months have been more reflective of the trend of concern seen on an even worse scale in some other parts of the United States. Surfaces that many cases have helped reduce mortality.
The Public Health Service confirmed 20 deaths on Saturday, bringing the total number of lives lost to 7,266. Throughout the pandemic, 336,549 infections have been recorded in Los Angeles County.
Los Angeles is the most populous county in the United States, far worse than most other counties in the state, with disproportionately many cases and deaths reported early in the pandemic. But this month records the worst surge from mid-July to August.
Health officials attribute the surge in infections and deaths since July 4 to holiday celebrations and rallies when the virus spread to people. Since then, cases have generally been on the decline until this month. Hospitalization also increased in November.
On Thursday, County Health Director Barbara Ferrer told residents that the recent surge in newly recorded daily cases was described as a “consistent and significant” increase. “We all need to act now.”
“If we can’t stop the acceleration of the incident in a group, we have to consider additional actions,” Ferrer said, not specifying what restrictions the county would consider.
On Thursday, as the number of cases of California’s coronavirus exceeded one million, health officials warned that schools and campuses in all LA County could face severe closures if the situation did not improve. So far, 150 cases between staff and students Outbreaks have been reported in 12 schools.
Currently, 966 people are hospitalized for the virus, of which about 28% are treated in the intensive care unit, health officials said. According to the Public Health Service, the number of hospitalizations confirmed on Saturday was the highest in almost two months.
In a written statement, health agencies attributed increased virus spread to young adults. 74% of Saturday’s cases are associated with patients under the age of 50. Meanwhile, 90% of the deaths recorded on Saturday were people over the age of 50. ..
“Youth continue to drive an increase in community infections in the county,” the statement read. “The increase in cases complicates plans to increase the number of students returning to school, reopen additional sectors, and allow additional activities.”
Los Angeles County remains in the purple layer, the most restrictive stage of California’s reopening plan. At this stage, according to state guidelines, the virus is considered “infested” and restaurants, cinemas, and some other companies are prohibited from hosting customers indoors. ..
The San Bernardino, Riverside, and San Diego counties all remained in the purple layer, while the Orange and Ventura counties moved to the second most restrictive red layer. Companies, including restaurants and gyms, are allowed to open indoors with some restrictions at this stage.
Although young adults account for most new infections, health officials have pointed out that people between the ages of 30 and 49 account for the highest proportion of new cases: 34%. And people between the ages of 18 and 29 actually make up only 27% of all new cases.
Health officials have become more vigilant on the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, as the worst surges continued on Memorial Day and the July 4th incident. And now, the latest surge has surfaced in less than a month after authorities warned of a Halloween event that could serve as a so-called “superspreader.”
Feller said Los Angeles County residents should avoid traveling or gathering with more than two other households beyond Thanksgiving to prevent further spread of the virus. Those traveling outside the state are advised to quarantine for 14 days.
During the rally, health officials recommend keeping a physical distance of 6 feet from people in other households, wearing a face cover, and washing hands frequently. They also advise to gather outdoors for less than two hours at a time.
Feller said the recent outbreak in the local workplace and the consequent spread of the virus among families and families also contributed to the recent surge. However, in a health department statement released Saturday, she said young adults were also responsible.
“Many young people interact with non-household members and are concerned that asymptomatic young people can help spread the virus to more vulnerable people when incidents are dangerously proliferating in the county. Is causing the virus, “Feller said in a statement.
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