MZ Skins-Clinically Proven Product Pioneer-Emirates Woman
November –’Fine Jewelery Issues’ –
Dr. Maryam Zamani, an eye plastic surgeon and founder of MZ Skin, believes that “beautiful skin begins with a consistent daily skin care routine. The less it is, the more it is.” Inspired by the women she advises, these clinically proven products are formulated to reveal, strengthen and protect the skin with pioneering anti-aging ingredients.
Founded by Dr. Maryam Zamani, who works at a clinic in Chelsea, London, MZ Skin is a brand that has grown since its inception. A leading eye plastic surgeon, Dr. Maryam Zamani is a sought after aesthetic physician. “My journey began when my mother introduced me to skin care when I was about 14 years old. She gave me a colored moisturizer from Lancome, and it’s the perfect tan. It was a nice shade, and I wore it religiously, “Zamani recalls. After graduating from medical school, she moved to London, engaged in research using hyaluronic acid fillers, became interested in non-surgical treatments, and began to obtain a dermatology certificate from Cardiff University. At this point, she decided to move away from the usual routine of using brands such as Shiseido and La Prairie and favor the Doctor Skin Care brand, but wasn’t obsessed with what was readily available. “The prescription was too medicinal and lacked the extravagant sensory ingredients I loved, so I went back to Natura Vise and Shiseido, but I prescribed it with a pharmacist and shared it with a few close friends. We’ve added a few products. Having an effective, simple and manageable skin care regimen is essential to producing excellent results. This is the scientifically made by women for women. That’s why we set out to create a backed and clinically tested skin care line. The idea was to provide simple, premium cosmetic skin care synergistically with a luxurious feminine angle, with a simple goal. Yes, the path isn’t that simple. Creating an MZ skin was a fun, frustrating, nerve-wracking, beautiful journey, and a true love effort. “
Zamani’s lesser approach is more relevant today than ever, as it strives to get more by simplifying and running absolute minimums. “Effective skin care routines should be easy to use without going through too many steps. We don’t need many different layers of skin care. Effective and synergistic skin care Needed. This is the philosophy I created for MZ skins, which uses active substances to promote uniform, moisturized and shiny skin. ”In the following, share the rules of skin care with Zamani and as much as possible. Ask them to clarify what they can do to take care of their complexion in the most effective and efficient way.
Rule 1: Commit
The best routine is what you can maintain. The principle is simple. Reveals, strengthens and protects the skin. The skin should be exposed with gentle and effective cleansing and exfoliation in order for the skin to accept the other ingredients used. Next, in order to stimulate collagen production, reduce pigmentation and treat the skin, it is necessary to strengthen the skin with an intelligent combination of powerful and effective ingredients. Finally, you need to protect your skin from harmful environmental factors.
Rule 2: Remember your essentials
As a sun worshiper before my misguided youth, I fight the problem of pigmentation. For me, beautiful skin is clear, moisturized and healthy. Scratched skin can make me feel and look dirty and unsophisticated. MZ skin was born from the desire for clear and beautiful skin. Ingredients that target pigmentation are always in the spotlight, and I think antioxidants such as retinol and vitamin C should be included in almost everyone’s formulas as powerful ingredients. Hydrator is also excellent for moisturizing the skin for its natural radiance-think hyaluronic acid. Stem cells, whether plants or animals, also help promote collagen and elastin production while improving skin hydration.
Rule 3: Face Concerns
Young girls want perfect skin without scratches or discoloration. In the age of social media, girls want their skin to look as if it were with a filter. On the other hand, more mature women aim to reduce the pigmentation caused by photo aging and transparent palettes. Another common concern is tired eyes. The eyes often show the first signs of aging. Bears, puffy lower eyelids, and dry skin are common problems I see.
Rule 4: Know your product
Our Cleansing & Clarify Cleanser is very popular. Contains AHA, eliminates skin congestion, reduces pigmentation and other skin tone irregularities, and prevents premature aging. One of our bestsellers is Brighten & Perfect, a vitamin C-corrected serum. Vitamin C is great for over-pigmenting and toning skin. Both eye masks and eye creams are widely known for eye products. Soothe & Smooth for bears and Depuff & Define to control swelling. A mask is a quick fix that keeps your skin calm and hydrates. MZ Skin Hydra Lift Golden Facial and Eye Treatment Masks are perfect for quick pre-event corrections to brighten eye areas and give your skin a healthy glow. If you’re looking for exfoliating to smooth your skin before the event, we recommend the MZ Skin Radiance & Renewal Mask, followed by the Glow Boost Ampoule.
Rule 5: Shield from the sun
Everyone should wear wide spectrum UVA and UVB sunscreens. A daily SPF of 30 or higher is recommended. For moisturizers, we recommend MZ Skin Hydrate & Narish. This is a daytime moisturizer containing retinol and SPF30 to tone and protect the skin. We also launched MZ Skin Tint & Protect, a colored moisturizer that uses SPF 30 and is perfect for the skin. SPF corrects skin imperfections, leaving youthful skin and at the same time protects it from photoaging. For those who make up, Tint & Protect is a great base for everyday skin and feels much lighter than foundation.
Rule 6: Use of technology
I strongly believe that clients want to be able to treat and help their skin at home. LED is an abbreviation for light emitting diode, which is absorbed by the skin at various wavelengths. LEDs use photobiomodulation to stimulate collagen synthesis, growth factors, and extracellular matrix production, reducing visible signs of aging. LEDs in MZ skin can efficiently provide red, yellow, blue and green light due to their versatility. It can be used as a stand-alone treatment or as an adjunct to other aesthetic treatments. It is also non-resectable and non-thermal, so it does not damage the epidermis or dermis of the underlying skin.
LEDs are an excellent home remedy for cleansed skin. It is recommended to cleanse the skin and use LEDs directly or moisturizing serum. I avoid certain active substances (vitamin C or retinol) and rather use more hydration ingredients. Depending on the light and intensity, the mask can be used up to 3 times a week for 10-20 minutes. It is recommended that you use it at a reduced strength at first and then slowly increase it as needed. It is effective for normal skin, but it is also effective for healing the skin after office treatment (peeling, laser, microneedling, etc.) and after facial surgery. Red light strengthens and tightens the skin and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Blue light helps eliminate congestion and clearing the skin, while green reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation. The yellow light soothes sensitive skin and redness, and finally the white restoration soothes and soothes the skin, completely rejuvenating it.
Rule 7: Prohibitions
Do not put on makeup or sleep without washing your face. Gentle on the skin and enjoy skin care. I think people sometimes overdo exfoliation, which only causes more inflammation than healthy glowing skin. If you use the active ingredient, you do not need to add more to your routine to make it effective. You need to pick and choose ingredients that specifically address your skin problems.
Rule 8: Think beyond skin care
Our skin reflects our physical and emotional health and is greatly influenced by lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, stress management and sleep. Sleep helps everything. I think wellness is now a lifestyle. Live well, feel good and look good. This means getting more sleep, spending more time with family and friends, and spending less time on electronics. Mental health should always be a priority. Exercising regularly works mysteriously not only for your physical health but also for your mental health.
Dr. Mariam Zamani’s Skin Care Routine
Wash your face with MZ Skin Cleanse & Clarify while taking a shower. Then use MZ Skin Brighton & Perfect 10% Vitamin C Serum to combat oxidative damage and promote collagen production while reducing the appearance of pigmentation, which I am suffering from. And my final step is MZ Skin Tint & Protect or MZ Skin Hydrate and Nurish, which protects the skin with SPF while keeping it hydrated and hydrated.
Wash your face with MZ Skin Cleanse & Clarify as you would in the daytime. Twice a week, use this or the MZ Skin Radiance & Renewal Mask for deep exfoliation while in the bath. Then use a soothing smooth eye cream, then MZ Skin Replenish & Restore Mask, and finally MZ Skin 2% Retinol Skin Booster. The last step in my night skin care routine is for the lips and I’m ready to sleep.
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