According to statisticians, Covid’s growth across the country is “slowing down.”
The rise in coronavirus infections in the UK has slowed, according to top UK statisticians.
Professor Ian Diamond said the number of Covid cases is still increasing, but the data show a “slow growth”, giving little hope to end strict national regulations. I will.
He told Sky’s Sophy Ridge on Sunday that Britain is on the verge of a second wave caused by teens and young adults. They are also beginning to see a decline in infection rates.
Sir Ian, head of the National Bureau of Statistics, said: “The good news is-yes-there is a slowdown in growth.
“That is, we are still growing and we are currently in the UK with 1.25 per 1,000 people, which means that 1 in 85 people in the UK is infected with the virus.
“1 in 100 in Wales, 1 in 135 in Scotland and 1 in 105 in Northern Ireland. Yes, we continue to grow, but growth is slowing.”
Sir Ian said the government is working on “openness and transparency” on how to make data about the coronavirus publicly available.
He said his colleagues were embedded in the government’s “mind” to ensure that the publicly available data was at the highest level.
It follows criticisms of how numbers were used during the pandemic, and official statistical observers warn ministers and advisers not to use the data in ways that can “confuse” the public. ..
Video: Boris Johnson states that loosening rules in response to vaccine news will be the “biggest mistake” (Manchester Evening News)
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When asked if the data was selected by the government to support the controversy, Sir Ian told Sky’s Sophie Ridge on Sunday that this was a view he did not support.
“During the first wave, some of my colleagues were embedded in the center of government to ensure that the quality of public presentations was of the highest level, and that it was very important. I think, “he said.
“My experience in this pandemic and the conversation with the government was a true desire for openness and transparency throughout the government.
“Some of my colleagues are now back in the center of government and are really working on communicating statistics, making sure the graphs you might see are at the highest level possible.”
Sir Ian said of his concerns about how the data was presented during the second wave:
“At ONS, we have the actual policy of talking only about data in the public domain, and I know that our commitment to openness and transparency extends to the entire government.”
Ministers faced criticism earlier this month after it was revealed at a press conference in Downing Street that key predictions of hospitalization and death contained errors.
Top-end forecasts at a briefing on October 31 show that UK hospitalizations will reach nearly 9,000 per day by early December and deaths per day could reach 1,400. Suggests.
The disclosure came after Tory lawmakers, led by former Prime Minister Theresa May, strongly criticized the government’s use of data to justify the second blockade of the state in Britain.
However, the minister said the NHS faced overwhelming if no action was taken to curb the spread of the disease, arguing that it was the right decision.
Meanwhile, the Office for National Statistics (UKSA) said that if official figures were published without “appropriate explanations of context and sources,” confidence in the official figures could be compromised.
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