Two-thirds of older people say they don’t treat depression

After experiencing depression, Sami Smith found an effective treatment with the help of a psychiatrist and the GeneSight test. This is a genetic test that helps determine how a patient’s genes affect results with a particular drug based on their own DNA.Credits: Myriad Neurosciences, Manufacturers of GeneSight Tests
A new national poll shows that one in three respondents over the age of 65 thinks they can “get out quickly.”
As the country continues to fight COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Pandemic, it’s important for us to take care of the body And Mental health of the most vulnerable people, including the elderly Americans. However, most older people do not hesitate to see a doctor for physical symptoms, which is not the case with depression.
A new national poll, the GeneSight Mental Health Monitor, shows that nearly two-thirds (61%) of Americans over the age of 65 who are worried about depression do not seek treatment. In fact, one in three (33%) of older people who are worried that they may be suffering from depression believe that they can “get out” of depression on their own.
“Some older people are’pulled by bootstraps’ and hesitate to talk about mental health, so they can’t get the help they need. Especially if the pandemic has a significant impact on the mental health of older Americans. “Dr. Mark Polack, chief medical officer of countless neurosciences, the makers of GeneSight tests, said. “People seek treatment for symptoms such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Depression is no exception. It is a disease that can and should be treated.”
Still, depression is a condition that needs treatment,
- 61% of respondents concerned about the possibility of depression will not treat depression because “my problem is not so bad”.
- About four in ten (39%) of these consumers believe that they can manage their depression without the help of a doctor.
“Elderly people are not actively seeking help, and even if psychiatric problems are identified, many refuse treatment, especially because of the stigma surrounding mental health care that is prevalent in older people. “We are,” said Dr. Parikshit Deshmukh, CEO and Medical Director of Balanced. Wellbeing LLC, located in Oxford, Florida, provides psychiatric and psychotherapy services to nursing and life support facilities. “I found that older people had a great deal of difficulty admitting that they had depression. When they admitted it, they were still reluctant to start treatment for a variety of reasons. Is the target. “

Dr. Mark Pollack, Chief Medical Officer at Myriad Neuroscience, states that he and his team are helping to make psychiatric care as efficient as possible. The GeneSight test can reduce the common process of trial and error when choosing a drug by providing information on how patients metabolize or respond based on their own genetic profile. ..Credits: Myriad Neurosciences, Manufacturers of GeneSight Tests
Depression is older, despite concerns that about one-third of people over the age of 65 are aware that depression interferes with their ability to enjoy relationships and activities. It remains a taboo topic among Americans.
“There is such a stigma about depression among people of my age,” said Carmala Walgren, a 74-year-old resident of New York. “I’m proving that you don’t have to accept a life with depression. It may not be easy to find a cure that improves symptoms without causing side effects, but it’s certainly worth it. there is.”
Walgren’s doctors used information from the results of the GeneSight test, a genetic test that identifies potential gene-drug interactions for depression drugs, to inform Walgren’s drug selection.
“The GeneSight test made such a difference in my life,” Walgren said. “My doctor used the test results to find the medicine that helped me.”
“There is a misconception that depression is a normal part of aging, but it is not,” said Dr. Parixit Deshmuk. “And asking for help can not only improve lives, but even save lives.”

The GeneSight test helps people suffering from anxiety and depression by providing doctors with information about their unique genetic makeup. This test can reduce trial and error by showing how a patient can metabolize or react to different drugs.Credits: Myriad Neurosciences, Manufacturers of GeneSight Tests
This is an accelerating issue within COVID-19. Both older people are physically vulnerable, increase anxiety about the virus, and can also suffer emotional sacrifices during these difficult times, such as isolation, loneliness, and sadness.
That’s why it’s more important than ever to provide effective care to those in need. There is usually a process of trial and error that takes place when identifying an effective drug for each patient. Research has found that potential side effects and concerns about drug efficacy contribute to the hesitation of older people seeking treatment.
However, the key may be in the patient’s own unique genetic makeup. The GeneSight test uses patient-specific methods to provide physicians with information about potential gene-drug interactions. DNA.. The test is performed in the clinic or at the patient’s home using a simple cheek swab. Within a few days, doctors will receive a report containing information about which drugs require dose adjustments, are less likely to work, and are at increased risk of side effects based on the patient’s genetic results.
“There are many effective treatments for depression, but what works for one patient is not always the most effective option for the next,” says GeneSight test makers. Dr. Mark Polack, Chief Medical Officer of Neuroscience, said. .. “We are committed to helping physicians provide care as efficiently as possible by personalizing patient drug choices.”
Pollack says the first step in providing treatment to the elderly is to open a conversation between doctors and patients about the importance of mental health. For more information on the elderly and depression, please visit:
The GeneSight® Mental Health Monitor is a national survey of US adults conducted by Acupoll from August 12 to September 27, 2020. The study was conducted on statistically representative samples of US adults aged 18 years and older, including US representative samples of 65-year-old adults. that’s all. The tolerance of the survey results for people over the age of 65 who may be depressed but have not been diagnosed is +/- 5%.
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