10 Stories About the COVID-19 Crisis Escalating in Minnesota
The rapidly expanding COVID-19 crisis has strengthened its grip and put great pressure on hospitals throughout the state, which will undoubtedly be very difficult for Minnesota healthcare professionals in the coming weeks.
In Minnesota, the number of COVID-19 inpatients increased from 580 to 1,429 from October 24th to November 12th, with 5,000 to 8,000 cases reported daily in the past week, and hospitals. Then there will definitely be a flood of new COVIDs. -19 patients in the coming weeks.
Some denials of the pandemic cannot deny the words of front-line healthcare professionals and those who have experienced it directly or second hand.
Let them talk …
Twitter @ KellWardell – Minnesota ICU Nurse
“I feel it’s important to know that deaths aren’t the ones who showed positive tests or symptoms during the last week. They’ve been treated slowly and carefully by nurses and doctors for weeks. There was a respiratory therapist among them. ” She tweeted on November 13th..
“They took a bath, brushed their teeth, optimized oxygenation, and turned around to prevent pressure ulcers. They inserted lines and tubes everywhere in the name of life, and so on. comfort.
“Their bodies were slowly defeated by the virus, so the family shouted for them from afar. Their nurses lifted the screen so that their loved ones could say goodbye, and everyone You have the opportunity to see how hard you fought for different results. “
Andy Cochrane – CEO of Maple Grove Hospital
“Today’s workload, stress, and impact on hospitals and medical teams is much greater than in May and June. When I hear people ask about the seriousness of the hospital’s current situation, I admit I’m angry .. When I read a comment that wonders, “What’s the big deal?” “There is a 99.6% survival rate,” I want to guide those people to our ER and our nursing unit, “Cochrane wrote in a Facebook post on Friday.
“It’s incredibly disappointing that people in our community don’t want to change the way they do things and do simple things that they know will help the situation. We’ve been planning for months. But what we didn’t plan and didn’t expect is the general lack of care and concern for each other we see today.
“Above all, I’m dissatisfied with our team. I was welcomed as a hero a few months ago and yelled at me that I’m not ready today or it takes too long to serve. It’s not fair and it’s not right. I’m working. With some of the most notable devoted people I can imagine.
“Remember you heard,’We’re all together?’ The same healthcare hero, who was applauded a few months ago, still does a great job and gives extraordinary care every day. You can say it’s offering. But they’re hitting their limit friends. I don’t feel like we’re all together anymore. We need to be better than this . “
Christie White, PHD-Henepin Healthcare
“The only more painful thing is how much worse it will be in the coming months. For those who survive, the physical and mental health burden can be long-lasting.” She tweeted, See the graph showing the high death toll that COVID-19 has caused to blacks and Native Americans.
Ankinan, MD – University of Michigan, St. Johns Family Medicine Resident
so Tweet To Governor Tim Walz, she wrote: “The front line is drowning. We need to do more than close the bar early.”
Dr. Fat Peterson – Richfield’s Meaker Memorial Hospital
“This was my weekend. There are many Covid patients in our country hospital. The staff is doing a great job !! Difficult to get from room to room, suffocation, coughing attacks, We are observing extreme weakness. Some Covid19-positive patients know where they picked up the virus, but many do not because it is endemic in Richfield and the surrounding community. ” Peterson wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday..
“Also keep in mind that if any of my Covid-positive patients get worse, I’m unlikely to be able to move them to a higher level of care. There are few or no beds. Our people will step up and provide the best care to these precious people.
“I also ask you to step up … Wear a mask, wash your hands, practice social distance, stay home if you are ill or your family is ill, and if you have any symptoms Please have an inspection.
“Finally, think twice before planning or attending a Thanksgiving (and perhaps Christmas) family gathering. Choose wisely … probably many lives, including yourself. It depends on it. Oh … and if you’re leaning, pray that Covid 19-all the affected people of the patient and their families, and all of us, will provide care.
Mary Turner – ICU Nurse, President of the MN Nurses Association
“The North Memorial has three COVID-filled ICUs and three COVID-filled medical / surgical floors.” Turner said in an interview with CCX media last week.. “At some point last week, I think they actually used the last physical bed they had to dig out of the storeroom.
Twitter @ hanson2131 – Minnesota ER Nurse
“I’m an ER nurse in Minnesota, and in the overall case, the number of sensitive patients surged about two weeks ago. ICU staff are scarce. There are no beds. Many of these patients Stays in the ER for hours waiting for more hospitalizations. Waiting. Feeling burnt. ” He tweeted on November 11th..
Dr. John Pryor, President of East Market (Duluth), Essentia Health
“COVID-19 has never been so prevalent in Northland. Hospitalization, including ICU hospitalization, mortality and positive rates are the highest ever,” said Pryor. Said during the COVID-19 update in Duluth on Thursday.. “The virus is spreading rapidly and can go out of control if you don’t take decisive action.”
Dr. Pryor and Dr. Nicholas van Dieren, Vice Presidents of Healthcare at St. Luke’s Hospital in Duluth, are urging members of the community to take COVID-19 seriously so as not to overwhelm the healthcare system.
“We are at a crucial moment in this pandemic. Just as the demand for health care is skyrocketing, healthcare resources are dangerously diminished,” said Pryor. “Our ability to staff medical and ICU beds has been tested. If the current infection trajectory is maintained, our community will be at risk.”
Joint Statement from Minnesota Hospital Association
In a statement released on November 12, many doctors and healthcare professionals said, “There is a growing demand for hospital care in both medical surgery and intensive care units, and the proportion of beds occupied by COVID-19 patients. Is increasing. “
This statement was issued to convince Minnesota to do everything possible to reduce the spread of the community. This means keeping a social distance, wearing a mask, and washing your hands frequently.
“The high level of infection in the community means that health care heroes such as nurses, doctors, therapists, pharmacists, support services, housekeepers, technicians, and advanced healthcare providers live their daily lives with COVID- It means that you are infected with 19. Reducing and preventing the spread of the community is important for keeping healthcare heroes healthy and caring for their patients. “
Jennelson – Sisters hospitalized for COVID-19
“My sister (in her thirties) is currently hospitalized in Twin Cities due to COVID complications. Despite serious heart and respiratory complications, she finds a bed to hospitalize her. It took more than 3 hours. She underwent a series of tests today. A respiratory therapist said she had seven young people who were full of ICUs and were using ventilators for COVID. I told you. ” Nelson wrote in a Twitter thread on November 12th..
“The hardest thing to swallow is that she was exposed because of her husband’s workplace. When the mask was politicized, many of his colleagues consistently refused to wear it. The lack of sufficient and comprehensive paid leave policy in the state accelerated its adoption. Co-Unwell workers were still coming to work, too worried about losing their income.
“My sister did almost everything right, but she said she had the right to take as many personal risks as she wanted, without taking into account the fact that others endanger others. She is hospitalized and suffering because others have felt.
“Many people think of personal freedom is often a risk to the community. If you don’t recognize the simple facts and spend months questioning simple precautions, you do this. I don’t take it seriously.
“This surge was inevitable. Never forget that it didn’t have to be this way, and now we do everything we can to ensure that it doesn’t keep moving forward this way. Let’s wear a mask and stay home in Minnesota.
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