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Use of antibiotics in infants associated with allergies, asthma and other symptoms, according to research

Use of antibiotics in infants associated with allergies, asthma and other symptoms, according to research


Infants and toddlers who received a single dose of antibiotics had asthma, eczema, hay fever, food allergies, celiac disease, weight and obesity problems, and lack of attention, according to a study published Monday at the May York Clinic. He was more likely to suffer from hyperactivity disorders. Minutes.

Studies have shown that multiple antibiotic treatments under the age of 2 are associated with children in multiple conditions, depending on the child’s gender, age, type of medication, dosage, and frequency of administration.

“I would like to emphasize that this study shows a link rather than a cause for these conditions,” said Nathan Rubrasour, a senior research author and researcher at the Mayo Clinic Aging Center. “The results of these findings provide an opportunity for future studies to determine a more reliable and safe approach to the timing, dosage, and type of antibiotics for children in this age group. To do.”

Researchers analyzed data from more than 14,500 children who are part of Rochester Epidemiology ProjectA long-term study analyzing medical records of volunteers in Minnesota and Wisconsin. About 70% of the children in this study were on at least one antibiotic, and most were on multiple antibiotics.
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“Of the children who received one or two prescriptions, only the female child had a significantly higher risk of developing asthma and celiac disease than the unexposed children.” Le Brasseur and his team write. “In contrast, three to four prescriptions increased the incidence of asthma, atopic dermatitis, bisexual overweight, ADHD and celiac disease in girls, and obesity in boys.”

Studies have shown that infants in men and women who receive five or more prescriptions are “significantly at increased risk of developing asthma, allergic rhinitis, overweight, obesity, and ADHD.” Girls were at increased risk of celiac disease.

In this study, one of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics, penicillin, “is associated with an increased risk of asthma and overweight in men and women, celiac disease and ADHD in girls, and obesity in boys. In contrast, it was found to be associated with a reduced risk of autism in girls. “

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Another commonly prescribed antibiotic, cephalosporins, has the highest risk of most symptoms, and studies have shown that it is “uniquely autism and food allergies.” It was.

Microbiome connection?

Why do antibiotics have such an effect? What if future research actually repeats the relationship?

According to LeBrasseur and his team, this is probably due to the destruction of bacteria in the baby’s gut, which are necessary for the proper development of the immune system, nerve development, body composition and metabolism.

Antibiotics do not distinguish between “good” and “bad” bacteria in the digestive tract, killing them all and leaving the intestines behind. Appropriate microbiome distribution. Certain bacteria are needed to absorb nutrients, break down food in the intestines, and protect the entire digestive system from pathogens.

The explosive growth of our microbiome research has shown that it can play a role in everything from chemotherapeutic responses to brain chemistries and immune responses.

“When antibiotics were first developed and deployed, the overwhelming consideration was the control of pathogens. We are now aware that their widespread application has significant incidental effects on the microbiome. This may be especially important for the development of the child. “

“Minimizing the use of antibiotics may help prevent antibiotic resistance, but it may have a role in preserving the microbiome based on this study,” he said. Dr. Jennifer Shoe, author of “Children’s Health” and a pediatrician at the American Academy of Pediatrics, said. “Go home with your newborn.” Shu was not involved in the study.

“Of course, more research will be needed to support or refute these findings,” she said. This is because it is unclear whether the findings of the study are “correlated or causal.”


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