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Rapid increase in demand for plastic surgery due to zoom online conference

Rapid increase in demand for plastic surgery due to zoom online conference
Rapid increase in demand for plastic surgery due to zoom online conference


Believe it or not, video conferencing on online platforms causes a record number of plastic surgeries, causing “zoom dysplasia” (a disorder with an obsession with perceived imperfections in the appearance of the body). Brought people to seek.

Patients are seeking a record number of plastic surgeries, citing their appearance at Zoom, according to US researchers.

Nose and wrinkles are of particular concern, according to a paper published in the journal Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine.

Zoom has made it possible to continue life in an ever-changing world, but it can affect the way individuals see themselves.

The authors pointed out that the number of patients is increasing rapidly due to their appearance in Zoom as a reason for seeking care, especially for acne and wrinkles.

A recent analysis of Google search trends during a pandemic has shown that the terms “acne” and “hair loss” are increasing in this newly virtualized reality.

“I suspect this trend is also due to people constantly watching themselves in video and being more aware of their appearance,” the authors said.

Before Zoom was taken over as an indicator used to assess their appearance, patients used the weapons of selfie and photo editing apps to create their own filtered versions. The influx of patients who want to look like themselves edited, called “Snapchatdy smorphia,” raises widespread concern about the potential for body dysmorphic disorders.

“Life disproportionately spent on zoom may provoke self-critical comparative reactions that lead doctors to rush for treatment that people may not have thought of before facing the video screen. Maybe, a new phenomenon of “zoom dysplasia”, “said Alianne Shady, one of the co-authors of the study with Kourosh at Massachusetts General Hospital.

To further break down the motive behind this patient influx in the Zoom era, the author turned to the facial feedback hypothesis.

Theory explains that treating wrinkles that look sad reduces depression by keeping the patient from feeling sad, and as a result, the patient feels better about himself.

“Perhaps just because I’m seeing my flaws in the camera every day these days, or because the wrinkles I see on the screen seem more depressed to others and I feel more depressed myself. The number of patients seeking cosmetic treatment is increasing rapidly, “the study elaborated.

The theory in the context of zoom is particularly interesting because the patient is also the viewer. They may find themselves sad because of the wrinkles they see, which further adversely affects their emotions and leads to a dangerous cycle of self-deprecation.

This is a major concern when individuals are overly obsessed with real or imaginary flaws.

Life disproportionately spent on zoom leads people to rush to doctors for treatment that they might not have thought a few months before facing the video screen, a new phenomenon of “zoom dysplasia” It may cause a self-critical comparison reaction.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has radically changed the frequency with which we face our image. The time we have to observe ourselves as we move online, learn, and even socialize. Has increased dramatically, “says Benjamin Marcus of the University. Wisconsin Hospital and Clinic.


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